[Lo-W3] Purple Fear

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Credit: MidnightStar

General Appearance:

The Purple Fear is a pretty small plant, with the tallest plant ever barely reaching a Grifix's elbow. It is a green plant with big leaves and both small flowers and fruits.

Living Environment:

This plant can commonly be found everywhere with medium temperatures. It can be grown in cold areas if they are in a greenhouse. They are hardly grown in the South, but could artificially grow there as well.
In the wild, they are found in small patches on a clearing as they need lots and lots of sunlight.

The Flower:

The flower is a deep red and shaped like a bell. On the lower end, it has what looks remotely looks like a crown from the side and a four-pointed star. So as not to say, it has a very loose resemblance to the forbidden fruit, the tomato.
Grifix have been too afraid to test if the flower has any medical abilities, so this remains unknown to this day.

The Fruit:

The fruit looks like a flattened tomato. It looks like a oval-shaped fruit with smooth skin and actually comes in a variety of different shades of purple.
The fruit tastes a lot like a tomato (if Grifix knew how a tomato tastes), but they found out that they do not like that particular taste.
Additionally, consuming the fruit is known to cause stomachaches.

The Plant Itself:

The plant itself is not too spectacular. It has one main stem from which it grows a maximum of ten branches more with a maximum of four being for the huge heart-shaped leaves. The plant also always grows out one leaf that looks different from the rest and which always lays on the ground. The ground leaf is responsible for most of the photosynthesis. Of course, all leaves do photosynthesis, but sometimes, they just,,, grow into the wrong direction.

The Uniqueness of this Plant:

This plant does not grow the huge leaf solely for photosynthesis, it also specifically grows them to hide the fruits as the fruit is crucial for reproduction. The fruit will fall over when it is overripe and become very light, making it very easy for the wind to roll it around.
The flower is also mainly for decoration as it is not pollinated.


While frantically figuring out how to deal with these evil fruits, Grifix found out that while the fruit itself tastes gross, the green part around the fruit actually heals stomachaches.
The huge, heart-shaped leaves are also helpful when mixed into a paste and can heal headaches. Consuming the leaf is not advised.


It is rumoured that eating the green part around the fruit together with the fruit will not cause a stomachache since the green part heals stomachaches. However, there have both been reports about this being true and being complete nonsense.

Some very superstitious Grifix believe that the plant was specifically bred and released into the wild by some evil entity to mess with them because the plant was rather recently discovered.

[Lo-W3] Purple Fear
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In 4. Character Art
Credit: MidnightStar
No description provided.

Submitted By MidnightStar for The Loveliest Woods III
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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