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Grifixverse Canon #3 - Season II episodes 1-13
Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by MysteriousShineTime to move on to season 2! We really got a lot to cover this time, and a bunch of really important stuff like the Quarray Eel and Timberwolves.
S02 E01 · The Return of Harmony - Part 1
Nothing to note
S02 E02 · The Return of Harmony - Part 2
Nothing to note
S02 E03 · Lesson Zero
Nothing to note
S02 E04 · Luna Eclipsed
Nothing to note
S02 E05 · Sisterhooves Social
They are intelingent creatures. They are similar to cows, being quite instinct driven. They are herd animals, and need each other's company, that being why they live together in large numbers. They depend on ponies for a lot of things, and therefore they usually live in the proximity of pony settlements. There are, however, groups of sheep that will roam freely in the mountains and only come to pony settlements in the winter to sell their products while the mountain tops are too cold to live in. They possess no magic and live mostly by the laws of nature and instinct. This, however, does not reduce their mental capabilities.
S02 E06 · The Cutie Pox
For the first time during this series, we got some new flora to introduce!
The Heart's Desire is a rare flower found in the Everfree Forest. It has magical abilities which allow it to reveal one's talent. It can be used for a grifix to recover their passion if they forget why they liked to do something, and it can also be used to treat other phychological issues. It is a great cure for depression and other such things, but it only helps if it is in moderate quantities.
For ponies, the plant can cause a pretty bad desease called "Cutie Pox", but for creatures without a cutie mark it is much safer to use. Still, in big quantities, it can poison a grifix as well, and can cause them to develop strange obsessions with all sorts of things, making them unable to perform properly. In that case, the Flower of Truth can help remove the symptoms.
The Flower of Truth, also known as the Seeds of Truth, is a magical plant that grows in the Everfree Forest, as well as in other parts of Equestria. The seeds only sprout when someone speaks of a heartfelt truth. The flower is a cure for Heart's Desire poisoning, and is often used in cures together with it.
It is very rarely found in the Everfree Forest, but is pretty common on the route followed by the Lost Tribe. Lost Tribe lovers will sometimes plant Seeds of Truth and confess their love in order to make them bloom, showing that their love is true.
S02 E07 · May the Best Pet Win!
Yee excited for this because it is finally some Divided Grifix lore!!
Ghastly Gorge covers a big area between the Everfree Forest and the Macintosh Hills. The gorge becomes extremely tall in some areas, with peaks reaching above the clouds. Inside the Gorge, the Divided Grifix reside. It is also the home to the dangerous Quarray Eels.
Quarray Eel are huge creatures that live in holes in the side of Ghastly Gorge, waiting to snatch up any prey that might pass in front of their holes.
They are incredibly dangerous and divided grifix know very well to avoid them.
They killed many grifix in the past, and the thought of them fills them with fear. In the Divided Grifix mythology, they are raised almost to the rank of gods because of the danger they are to grifix.
S02 E08 · The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Nothing to note
S02 E09 · Sweet and Elite
Nothing to note
S02 E10 · Secret of My Excess
Not much to note, but when I make a page about dragons I'll have to make sure to add the fact that their physical size is linked to the amount of belongings they have
S02 E11 · Hearth's Warming Eve
Windigos are a race of ghostly creatures with a horse-like appearance. They are winter spirits that feed off of the fighting and hatred between others and create blizzards and freezing weather.
They always roam in a group of three. They are believed to be much weaker if separated.
They do not show signs of sentience, they are merely malice driven spirits.
The Everfree Grifix have tales regarding them, but those tales sound different from the tales pony-kind has...
Note: windigo shaped sphirix are ALLOWED. That is because windigos are not considered sentient species, and only their appearance is horse-like.
S02 E12 · Family Appreciation Day
Finally, time to make a page for timberwolves!! I hate drawing timberwolves.
But first...
The zap apples are magical apples that grow in the Everfree Forest. They appear and disappear quickly in the span of five days, which is why they must be harvested very quickly.
Theere are five signs that signal when they are ready to be harvested.
The first sign is the howl of timberwolves. The beasts are strangely attracted by the Zap Apple Trees during the time that the apples grow.
The second sign occurs the next day after the first sign, a sudden strong wind starts blowing and the skies get covered with dark clouds. The naked trees starts buzzing with blue sparks around their branches, and soon the sparks disappear and big leaves sprout, which grifix call "zap apple leaves". The clouds quickly disperse, and once the storm is over, the apples will be due in exactly 4 days.
The third sign is another sudden wind and gathering of dark clouds, and a flock of crows circles above the orchard, making an apple shape with their flight pattern. Glowing teal flowers sprout on the trees and blossom into star-shaped flowers, accompanied by blue electric sparks. The clouds quickly disperse and the flowers stop glowing but remain on the trees.
The evening before zap apple harvest, the zap apples sprout on the trees after a meteor shower. In this stage, the apples are small and grey. This is the fourth sign.
For the last sign, the weather changes abruptly for a final time before the zap apples are ready to harvest. There's a lightning storm over the orchard, then a rainbow shines over it, and the zap apple trees are once again teeming with electrical sparks. The zap apples turn from gray to rainbow-streaked, and rainbow-beams fire all across the orchard from the apples. An aurora-like rainbow shines behind the apple trees and the zap apples change shape from small round apples to larger, more elongated and squarish. The apples are now ready to pick.
Grifix use the zap apples for baking and making jam, similarily to ponies. The zap apples have a lot of medicinal uses, but because they only grow one day per year, the healer usually slices them very thin and dries them, or uses the jam if she is out of slices. There must always be a few jars put aside for the healer, in case of emergency.
Timberwolves are the most dangerous race of predators in the Everfree Forest. They spread out to many of Equestria's forests, but their biggest population is in the Everfree Forest. They are fueled by chaos magic from the Everfree, so the populations outside are smaller and not as strong.
They are the biggest natural enemy of the grifix. Even when killed, they will often rebuild themselves out of wood. The grifix magic is the only kind of magic that can completely kill a timberwolf, but that is very hard and one grifix doesn't have enough power to do that.
Timberwolves can be scared by loud noise, but that doesn't always drive them away, especially when they are very angry.
They are the main cause of death for the Everfree Grifix after diseases and old age.
S02 E13 · Baby Cakes
Nothing to note
This is all for this time! See you next post for the second part of season 2.
Grifixverse Canon #2 - Season I episodes 12-26
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by MysteriousShineI am back with the second part of the 1st season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! I shall go through everything that might be relevant for grifix, mostly fauna but we also got some interesting lore on buffalos and Appleloosa! So here we go!!
S01 E13 · Fall Weather Friends
S01 E14 · Suited for success
Nothing to note
S01 E15 · Feeling Pinkie Keen
Froggy Bottom Bogg
A large swamp at the south of the Everfree Forest. One must pass through it to get to the Ghastly Gorge, which is partly the reason why the Everfree Grifix and the Divided grifix haven't met in over 1000 years.
It is a dangerous place, because of the Hydra that resides there. It's also populated by cragadiles and many other dangerous creatures.
Grifix usually avoid it, unless they have to go there to pick up medcinal plants and stuff.
The Hydra
The hydra is a big dragon-like creature. It has four heads on long snake-like necks and a large, orange, dragon-like body, with only two legs and no wings or arms. They are extremely dangerous to grifix, but forunately they are rare. One resides in the Everfree Forest, in the Froggy Bottom Bogg, so grifix know to avoid it. However it is not the only one in Equestria. They are known to prey on dragons if they are weakened and can't fight back, because they love warm food.
S01 E16 · Sonic Rainboom
Nothing to note. Although it would be interesting to think if a grifix can do one...
Also, the spell Twilight made to allow the rest of the main six to walk on clouds can work on grifix as well.
S01 E17 · The Stare Master
S01 E18 · The Show Stoppers
Nothing to note
S01 E19 · A Dog and Pony Show
Diamond dogs
S01 E20 · Green Isn't Your Color
Nothing to note
S01 E21 · Over a Barrel
The land around the core of the great cataclysm has become nothing but deserted plains for miles and miles, with no end. The earth is full of radiation, so anything around the Everfree Forest till the edges of Equestria is gone, save for some mutated plants that are poisonous to any living being.
But that is not something that can stop the surviving ponies, especially those who have lived in the desert for hundreds of years prior to the Great Cataclysm. Infertile land won't stop them from trying to grow plants and survive. And a small village, with the help of the buffalos, really managed to live through it.
The Appleloosans and the buffalos signed an agreement to help eachother survive after the great cataclysm. The bufflo migrations allowed them to find things such as soil that might be fertile, unmutated plant seeds and such. And they always took those things back to Appleloosa. But their journeys are not easy, for they must travel for days through deserted land, with no grass or plants to feed on, so the Appleloosans must assure that they provide canned apples and other food that can be kept for long periods of time without going bad.
Few buffalos still remain in Appleloosa throughout the year, being settled there. Some made families with the ponies, even without being able to have children.
Other species in Appleloosa are cows and mules, probably the last surviving of their kind.
Other creatures sometimes come and pass, but usually just one or few of them. Some settle there, but there isn't a consistent population of them, just one or a few individuals.
It's still a small village, and the only one for miles around. They haven't seen an outside pony in hundreds of years, but the blurred out noise coming through the radio signals tells them that there must be someone else out there.
Big, strong creatures that take great pride in their culture and traditions. They follow the same migration route for thousands of years, traveling through Equestria.
They have a treaty with Applelosa that allows them to pass through the apple orchird in exchange for apple pies. After the Great Cataclysm, they started to provide the village with fertile soil and clean seeds in exchange for canned food that allows them to continue their migration through deserted areas of Equestria, without starving.
S01 E22 · A Bird in the Hoof
Will add more lore on phoenix birds as the show progresses, cause this episode mostly covered just Philomena and there's not that much lore on the actual species.
Phoenix Birds
Phoenixes are magical birds that regenerate by bursting into flames and being born anew.
The females and males are differentiated by the feathers on their head: the males have pointy feathers, while the females have thin feathers that are round on the top.
For grifix, phenix birds are highly respected and protected. Their feathers have strong medicinal power and are a required ingredient in many magic potions. They can also offer warmth in time of freezing.
S01 E23 · The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Nothing to note, although it would be interesting if someone made a grifix that had the sonic rainboom Rainbow made in their backstry somehow
S01 E24 · Owl's Well That Ends Wel
There's a big ass dragon in a cave in the Everfree??
I feel like that would cause a lot of issues later in the show, so the fact it wasn't at all mentioned later indicates that it maybe moved. But it is certain that it lived there for probably a long time during Eclipsa's reign.
S01 E25 · Party of One
Nothing to note
S01 E26 · The best night ever
There’s some horsified mice running around somewhere Is that the equivalent of furries for ponies? horsified animals??
Excluding that, there's nothing to note in this episode.
And with that, the 1st season is done!! See you again for season 2 or some comics next time, not really sure what I'll do next. Would like to take it in chronological order, so maybe comics.
Grifixverse Canon #1 - Season I episodes 1-12
Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by MysteriousShineHello everyone! And welcome to a new series about the Grifixverse lore.
So how is this different from the regular lore updates?
Well here's what this is about: i will be rewatching the entirety of the MLP:FiM series and I'll be covering every bit of lore that might be relevant for the Grifixverse. This will mainly be about different species of animals and sentient creatures and their role in the grifixverse and ivolvement with the grifix, but other stuff too.
Each post will cover half of a season, unless there will be areas that are more empty or full than the other.
So, let's begin with the very begining!!!
S01 E01 · Friendship Is Magic - Part 1
Would you look at that, there is absolutely nothing to note in the very begining!!
Still, maybe it's worth mentioning that this episode is also the day during which Selenara was crowned. Yes, she was crowned during the Summer Solstice! A weird thing for the grifix is that during that day the night lasted weirdly long, and the moon's markings changed once Eclipsa left the Village. Surely that must've given birth to some legends of the grifix about Eclipsa and the strange mare in the Moon that was there during her entire reign...
S01 E02 · Friendship Is Magic - Part 2
While the first part of this episode was quite lacking in anything special, as the mane six first venture in the Everfree Forest, we get quite a lot of content.
The Everfree Forest
Just a few quotes I'd like to point out about it:
"it ain't natural. Folks say it don't work the same as Equestria." - this is because of the magical essence of the place. That is the magic of the spirit of Malice, Cosmos. The magic of the Everfree Forest is malicious, looking to kill those that walk in. The grifix aren't native to the place, their magic being different. The deer magic acts to control the malicious magic of the Everfree, and so does the Tree of Harmony, together forming balance. Still, the forest is full of dangerous things, which is why grifix try to stick together when leaving the Village.
"everypony who's ever come in has never... come... out!"
The MAnticore
Added to the fauna index on our site
Manticores are magically enchanted creatures. They do not possess magic of their own, but they are magically merged hybrids.
They have the body of a lion with the tail of a scorpion and bat wings. Some have horns, however not all of them do.
They reside in the Everfree Forest, but they can be found in other places of Equestria as well. They are a known threat to the Everfree Village and the Lost Tribe.
They are the main predator of Sunset Birds.
Steven magnet
Steven Magnet is found crying in a river cause Nightmare Moon chopped off his moustache. He's not really very important to the grifix. We don't really know what he's doing there and even in his later appearances in the show he has nothing to do with the Everfree Forest so the canon version in the grifixverse is that he just happened to be in that river for some reason, but he doesn't reside in the Everfree Forest. I'll just say that is the same river that flows through Ponyville, and he just lives in the river, but tends to stick closer to Ponyville. I think it's fun to think that he just walks around Ponyville and nobody bets an eye.
Now about his species - he is not an Asian dragon/lung dragon. He is a sea serpent, as stated in the show. So lung dragons are still usable as sphirix, in case anybody was concerned about it.
The castle of the two sisters
Place of interest, even for the grifix. While they genrally avoid it, it is too big for them not to know about it. grifix are not allowed to go there unless approved by the Queen, the Healer or the Captain of the Guards. But many snuck over there at some point, temptation is too big.
During Eclipsa's reign, she sent many grifix over there to take books and ornaments, such as tapestries which Eclipsa sometimes used to ornate the castle. The library in the Everfree Castle still holds many books taken from the Castle of the Two Princesses. Still, there are many left as most grifix don't know how to read, so it wasn't of so much interest.
Whatever books have been left after the Great Cataclysm has sincee been taken by grifix scouts and members of the Kirinaria Mercenary Group and moved to the Great Libraries.
S01 E03 · The Ticket Master
Finally, time to move on to another episode! Not this one though, nothing to note in here.
S01 E04 · Applebuck Season
This would be the first appearance of cows and mules in the show. They're not too important, but they are certainly intelingent creatures. While cows are very much instinct driven, they are not stupid and probably as intelligent as ponies. They often work for ponies by producing milk in exchange for protection and shelter. They possess no magic and live mostly by the laws of nature and instinct. This, however, does not reduce their mental capabilities.
As for mules I can't say much from one single frame of one. So that will be covered in the future.
S01 E05 · Griffon the Brush-off
While I should cover the topic of griffons, I think I'll leave that for later in the show, when Griffonstone is introduced, cause theis episode doesn't really tell us anything about them.
S01 E06 · Boast Busters
This episode introduces some very important fauna for the Everfree Forest, so naturally I've added it to the fauna index.
The Ursa
Ursa are giant magical beasts that take the shape of bears. Their lifespan is extremely long, and they are often found in pairs: Ursa Major, the mother, and Ursa Minor, the child. Due to their long life span, it is unknown wether the baby grows to turn into an Ursa Major or remains like that for their entire life.
While they are found in the Everfree Forest, they haven't formed there, and can be found in other places as well, such as the Frozen North. This means they are a big threat to the Frozen Empire as well.
The pair in the Everfree Forest lives in a cave system in the northern Everfree Forest. The caves strech neeply under the Forest and emerge back on the south fo the Forest, but also in other parts. They harbor many monsters known to the grifix, such as Keisha, Auihoa and others. Grifix know to be wary of caves due to this.
S01 E07 · Dragonshy
Nothing to note
S01 E08 · Look Before You Sleep
Nothing to note
S01 E09 · Bridle Gossip
I kept posponing this... but at least... I can run no more. I have to find a way to relate Zecora to grifix, she's just too cool not to do that!!
Zecora's hut is placed very close to Trifix territory. When she settled in, the trifix were furious, for she was unwanted presence. To them she was no different than the ignorant ponies in Ponyville, so they started attacking her. She had no idea what was going on, as she couldn't see them. Timberwolves also went after her together with trifix. The trifix didn't try to hurt her, but to drive her away. Still, she was stubborn and refused to leave so Oracle asked the Wise One to talk to her, as he was the only one she could see.
After talking to her, the Wise One was convinced of her motives and decided she should be allowed to stay. Now, the trifix leave her alone, but they still keep an eye on her. She is well aware that something is watching her, and she knows it is the same thing that one tried to drive her out. Because of that, she tries to leave offerings for the trifix, little trinkets and potions she makes. Trifix do take them, and they often study the composition of her potions if they prove helpful. A few times, they even tried asking her for help by placing items that indicated their issues, such as when a strange illness affected a trifix. She managed to help them out a few times. In return they placed some potions of their own for her.
One day, Zecora left. They were sad to see her go, so sometimes trifix go to clean up and mantain her hut in case she ever returns.
Poison Joke
This one's been handled a long time ago, so if you wanna read about it go here.
S01 E10 · Swarm of the Century
Bugs that reproduce asexually by eating. If fed, once they digest the food they will burp out another prasprite. They are very dangerouns as they reproduce extremely fast and are always hungry for more.
About at the begining of Selenara's reign, a new variant appeared in the Everfree Forest, that consumes anything but food. Grifix know not where they came from but after their appearance Selenara had to cast a spell onto the magic barrier in order for it to keep those vermins out. It's a wonder how they haven't yet devoured the entire Forest. Probably there is a predator that keeps their population under control inside the Everfree Forest.
They only live inside the Everfree Forest, but they can spread out into other parts of Equestria by sticking to ponies they meet along the way.
S01 E11 · Winter Wrap Up
This is a weird episode. Will have to get back to the topic of seasons change after I complete the rest of the series.
S01 E12 · Call of the Cutie
Nothing to note
This is all everyone! See ya next time for the second help of season 1!
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #17 - Gender Flow, Gemweaving, Entertainment Houses, ETC.
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineWelcome to yet another lore update! And time to answer a REALLY old question about grifix in this one >:)
So let's begin!!
It is time to adress a very old question regarding grifix: biological gender.
As it is well known, grifix do not reproduce sexually. They reproduce through magic. So it was asked pretty early in the species' creation... what defies their gender? What organs do they have and so on...
Well for once I am here to explain... at least part of it.
Well, to begin with, grifix biological gender is mostly defied by their body characteristics: size, shape, bones... as well as hormones and such stuff.
Sexual organs are... not exactly present for grifix, at least not in the way they are for other animals. About this subject I won't talk much, I don't really have an answer for it, nor do I plan to find one. All I know is that males and females are almost identical in terms of sexual organs.
Do grifix have milk to feed their young? This is a subject for some other time. I don't have an answer for it yet.
So let's get to the actual subject of today... The biological gender, and the effect of grifix magic on it.
It is well known that the grifix magic acts on the belief of the grifix, and if one thing is believed strongly enough it can manifest it.
And so... the belief of a grifix can even impact their bilogical gender. In other words, they can naturally transition from one gender to another by their will alone.
Basically if a grifix feels very much like another gender, their magic will alter their hormone production, which will then cause a transition, similar to humans, except it happens naturally. The magic will also alter other kind of stuff that can't be changed by hormones, but still, it has it's limits.
When transitioning, the grifix will change their facial features, musculature, voice. Their bone structure can not, however, be changed if the grifix is fully grown, but it will be impacted if they are a child, growing up.
Transitioning lasts a few months for adults. The older the grifix is, the longer it takes. On a baby it can fully happen in a week or even faster. That is because the body is easier to alter, but also because their perception of self is much more frail, and easier to change.
As children, grifix can transition many times without even being aware of it. Babies especially transition a lot of times, as they have no perception of gender or self. And in most cases it is impossible to see by other grifix, since baby grifix have almost no gender differences. So the parents are usually never aware of it. The healers can tell tho - from the baby's magic and other stuff. But it's normal so they usually ignore. It is more weird if it doesn't happen at all.
Usually, by 3 years old, the gender of the grifix is more or less settled, but depending on the family enviroment, how many gender norms and stuff are imposed on them, they could still transition, and quite often. At this age it can take about a month to fully transition.
By 6, grifix usually stop transitioning. It is the time of their life when they have a set identity for the first time, and they usually simply don't focus on gender. Before, the gender change was triggered unconsciously. But from now on, it is much harder for that to happen, since they become much more aware of who they are.
By the early teen years, a lot of grifix rebel on their old identity. It is usually the last period of their life when they might transition. A lot of them decide to do it just to rebel against everyone, but truth is, if the grifix doesn't fully believe in it in their own subconscious mind, it won't happen, so most grifix fail to do it, cause they don't truly want it.
From 15 years old up, grifix rarely transition. Their growth is almost done, so even if they were to transition, their bone structure would remain the same. Transitioning takes from 6 months up to a few years.
From 50 years old up, it is almost unheard of of a grifix transitioning. It is unknown how long it would take.
Most grifix stop transitioning from 3 years old. It is not that common for them to transition when older than that, but still a good number of them do. Few find an identity in this. After all, it is natural.
Those who start finding an identity in their transitioning are usually those who transitioned after 15 years old.
In other words, a grifix wouldn't identify as "trans" if they transitioned before 15. But being "trans" is not a thing for grifix, they don't use that word.
✦ a grifix can be biologically androgynous
✦ other grifix's belief can help transitioning. If a grifix manages to convince the others that they are of a different gender, their magic will also help boost the transition. Because of this, babies spend most of their time in the gender the parents believe they are.
✦ sphirix can never change their gender after they set their shape. Before the sphrix shape ceremony, they can change their gender on will.
✦ most sphirix have the oposite gender from that of their grifix.
With this said, I have also made a page exclusive for Magic Manifestations, since the list of them was becoming quite long, so I thought they'd be worthy of it:
So let us now move on to the next subject... a little bit of culture drop for the Forbidden Colony!
Now, there are some new Entertainment Houses to introduce! That's a constant for lore updates lately... Well I'm quite glad about that. Never thought they'd get so popular.
A shipwreck in the most unusual of places...
You stare at the unusual sight in front of you. A boat...? On a mountain cliff. Surely you can see the port of the Fishing Guild from here if you fly a bit over the surrounding buildings, but still... how you a ship sink... up a mountain??? And it looks othing like the few, small grifix ships they use fir fishing. It's huge compared to those. And old...
You heard that the boat was probably there from before the Empire. It was in fact, a pony fishing vessel. The freezing cold kept it from rotting for thousands of years before the Empire settled over there, and soon enough, grifix started to use it for various things, and luckily, they took care of the wood and made sure it didn't rot and crumble to pieces.
Now a wooden sign swings above the door: Kraken's Lure. The name starts to make sense as soon as you notice your sphirix shying away, hiding behind your ear. He says that there is a giant octopus covering the boat. And he begs you not to go in there. But the thrill that fills you when your shared emotions make you tremble lures you inside...
Inside it's dark, only a dim green glow fills the room - you imagine it's from the giant octopus sphirix, which you can't see, but it's big enough for it's glow to fill the room. The room is filled with smoke, and all sorts of weird smells - none particularily pleasant. You soon start to feel dizzy, so you sit down on a side chair, waiting for an entertainer to serve you. After this moment, you can't seem to remember a thing...
The Kraken's Lure is an Entertainment House based on the legend of the sirens that lure sailors to their death through their singing. Therefore, the entertainers in this house are called "sirens" and they often dress acccordingly, with ripped pieces of clothing, fishnets, seashells and other such things. Inside they often burn various drugs that help induce high sensations onto the customers - the sirens grew up there. They are imune. They often use singing to induce high sensations as well, but they also have a large collection of sea shanties gathered from old pony books, which customers seem to really enjoy singing to, especially after drinking a bunch of sake.
The Kraaken's Lure is a pretty big entertainment house, despite most being afraid to go in there. Mostly really messed up grifix go in there just to feel something. And do not freit, cause even if someone developed immunity to all the drugs and booze - they have one more attraction that is sure to make anybody feel something.
In the back room of the guild there is a small pool of water. When customers are taken there, the sirens will push their head underwater and hold them there against all of their struggles. Fear, terror, imminent death - all building up until hypoxic euphoria hits, after which they'll be pulled out and tossed like a rag onto the deck.
Few grifix walk out of that place before the morning, they usually all fall asleep sometime during the night, only to wake up in the morning robbed of every valuable thing they might've had on them - and no siren to be seen, just other confused customers. They can only walk home, having no recollection of the night before.
So why would one even return here...? maybe it's just... the Krake's lure.
And the last one for now...

Oogama Sento is a medium sized but tall bathhouse located in the nicer looking streets of the entertainment district. It is named after the Oogama yokai and looks like a traditional bathhouse with frog theming. The building consists of three floors and a basement.
When stepping inside you will be greeted by a comforting warmth and a sweet lavender smell. There are many fake plants, small ponds and tiny waterfalls about, though on each floor there is one big pond where you can find the Oogama yokai. You can interact with them, give them coins or food but they will do nothing, though it is believed that gifting them something can bring good luck. A receptionist is in the front which will take your order and lead you to a bath. Most baths are small except for the one large bath that may not be used by anyone, for it is for a 'special guest' if he decides to stop by.
Attire for entertainers is traditional bathhouse clothing and they must have their hair tied up at all times. Mostly females and cubs work here, but sometimes there are males as well. Entertainers must have a polite personality and must please their guests.
The bathhouse is run by an elderly enterainer, she lives in the very top of the building. She is quite kind but is known to be crafty, tricking others into working for her.
The basement is for very loyal grifix. Only two or three work there at a time. It is hard work, water needs to be heated and herbs and scents are mixed their then sent to the baths. It is much warmer here, almost insufferably so. To work here is a true testament that you are worthy to be at the bathhouse.
This house is regulated by Dawn-n-Night
This is everything for today! Have a wonderful day and see you next time! We got plenty more to cover!!
Of course, thank you very much to everyone that contributed to this!
As always please reffer to the official pages for the canon information. All the titles in this post are links to the official pages. This news letter will NOT be updated in case of any changes to the official lore, so it shouldn't be taken as reference in the future.
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #16 - Firestone, Beekeepers, Kage no Neko-ya, etc.
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineHello once again! It it time once more for more lore to drop >:3
It was thirty years ago when a greenseekers expedition was returning from the southern parts of Equestria. They were supposed to be met by a hunters patrol that would help them back to the Empire through the snowy mountains, but despite waiting in the meeting place for three days nobody came for them. They were running low on food, so as a desperate decision, the leader of the expedition decided to set off and try to find their way to the Empire alone. But that was a decision they had to pay in blood, for even after weeks of wondering through thee frozen mountains they hadn't managed to get a single glimpse of the Eclipse Tower, and soon enough they started losing members of the expedition.
One by one, they succumbed to the cold of the arctic north, until there were only three of them left. And in their despair, trying to find shelter from the snow storm, they stumbled into a cave. But something was strange with that cave: inside, there was dripping water from the ceiling, while in that cold, there shouldn't be no running water. And it didn't take long for them to notice that there was warmth radiating from deeper in the cave. So they went to investigate, and after walking for a while they reached a big opening in the cave:
There was a huge room inside the mountain, filled with a warm, amber glow. But this was different than regular amber, for it was actually, warm. Andd the walls were made entirely of this stone. But that wasn't all. Apparently, the warmth of the stones created a perfect enviroment for plantts to grow: it was like nothing they have seen before so far north. It was like one of those jungles they would find in the southern parts of Equestria, completely covered in plants of all kinds.
Quickly, the greenseekers took out a few seeds and plants they had been carrying with them - which were on the point of dying by now. As they put those on the warm ground, they looked as if they were magically revived.
They looked at eachother and didn't say a word, but they all knew what they were thinking: back in the empire, there was absolutely no way to grow plants. But this - this might allow them to do so! And that would do so much for the herbalists guild and the Empire... They HAD to get these firestones back to the Frozen Empire. They couldn't die now.
But how were they gonna do that? They were lost, they could've been miles away from the Empire, and probably nobody would ever find them. But at least they had food now - the cave was full of plants and fruit they could eat. So they were simply going to wait for now.
A few days later, they were found by a hunter patrol that managed to follow their trails, and they took them back to the Empire together with some Firestones. The Herbalists then started experimenting with the stones and managed to start growing plants for the first time in the history of the Empire. However, the stone's warmth seemed to slowly fade away, and 6 month later it was almost gone. Therefore, a new hunter patrol was sent to gather more stones. It seemed like the mountain in which the stones grew had magical properties, but the stones were mere simple amber once taken away from their cave.
Still, that allowed the Herbalists to grow plants, even if in small quantity. And since then, the Herbalists Guild became a very important guild in the empire, despite still being just an underguild for the Scholars Guild.
Thanks to @rubinoble1 and MidnightStar for the large contribution on this idea.
Next is a new Trifix Role, part of the Artmasters Faction:
Let's continue with some important clarifications about the Hair Vines trait for trifix:
The vines are always GREEN. As the trifix grows old, they become orange/grown-ish as they wither.
Cubs do not have vines.
When a young Trifix turns 13, their vines grow in but before that at age 12 their asked what they want to do. Whatever they say, the forest hears it, and the vines will grow.
Trifix can change their faction. What they do is cut the vines and seek Oracle. She'll let them in a special room where they'll "talk" to the forest and express their wish. Soon, new vines will start to grow. It's not exactly common but it still happens every so often even though most Trifix are completely happy with their role that they initially chose.
Hunters are born as hunters and they can NOT change their role.
Lastly, it is time for one more Entertainment House to be added!! Otherwise known as Not-Quite-Cat Cafe, get ready for....
Kage no Neko-ya is a Cat Cafe, being set in a small building, painted red, with dark wooden beams and paper screens, set in a quiet alleyway.
The entranceway is flanked by weathered stone steps, leading to a portal framed by an ornate archway.
Inside, the dimly lit space features low tables with cushions on tatami mats, atop rugged stone flooring. Soft light spills from hanging lanterns, casting a faint glow on the ink paintings of cats and caligraphy showcased on the walls. The air is still and quiet, with the occasional creak of the worn wooden beams adding an eerie undertone.
Amidst the serene appearance, the cats move strangely, their eyes glowing faintly in the low light, and their behavior slightly out of the ordinary. Some seem to stare into space or exhibit unusual movements, adding to the peculiar ambiance. Their movements seem oddly calculated, blending seamlessly with the enigmatic ambiance of this unconventional establishment. Overall, there's an inexplicable feeling of unease, as if something is not quite right within this otherwise tranquil cat cafe.
As a visitor in this enigmatic cafe, one would find themselves drawn to the strange cats roaming the place. Engaging with them, one might feel a subtle strangeness, an indefinable quality that sets them apart from what one might think of.
As you sit, enjoying tea with a 'cat' perched contentedly on my lap, you'd pet its fur, noticing an uncanny smoothness and an odd warmth that's different from what you'd expect. Their behavior might have a peculiar precision, almost as if they're performing what being a cat is like. Still, any unusual qualities simply register as unique traits of these unfamiliar creatures rather than deviations from the norm.
Throughout your visit, a lingering feeling of curiosity might persist, a nagging sense that something about these creatures doesn't quite align with your imagine of actual cats. But the charm and the odd familiarity they evoke would likely outweigh any doubts, allowing you to immerse yourself in the whimsical experience of enjoying tea and playtime with these mystical feline entities.
One's lack of prior experience with real cats would prevent one from questioning the authenticity of these beings. Instead, one would wholeheartedly accept them as the embodiment of what they've only heard and imagined cats to be—cherishing the joy they bring and savoring the enchantment of this remarkable encounter.
The workers in this place are sweet entertainers, with personalities much more genuine than in other entertainment houses. Grifix come to this place not for their companionship, but for the "cats", so they aren't so much forced to put on an act, as they would be in other houses from the Entertainment District.
These entertainers embody a genuine affection and care for the cats, treating them as any animal lover would treat a beloved pet.
Their interactions are filled with warmth and compassion, as they attend to the needs of these enigmatic creatures, believing wholeheartedly in their feline nature. They might discuss the cats' personalities, quirks, and preferences with the visitors, sharing anecdotes and stories about their daily experiences with the cats, bonding with the customers and helping the buisness in this way.
The entertainers exude a sense of dedication to their role, ensuring the cats are well cared for and the visitors have an enchanting experience. Their attire reflects a casual yet welcoming style, fostering a sense of approachability and ease among the guests.
While they're genuinely nurturing and attentive to the needs of these mysterious beings, their unawareness of the truth lends an authenticity to their interactions, deepening the veil of illusion that envelops the cafe.
Most of the workers in the cafe do not have cat sphirix, or they think they do, but the sphirix is in fact a not-cat, like the "cats" in the cafe. Those that have actual cat sphirix find the "cats" in the cafe very uncany and strange. So very few such grifix work there.
The Mother of the house embodies an air of enigmatic wisdom, carrying herself with a graceful poise that hints at a depth of experiences and hidden knowledge. Her presence would command respect and admiration among both the workers and the visitors to the cafe.
She dresses in attire that stands out subtly, adorned in flowing garments of exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance. Her clothing, while mirroring the workers' style, might bear additional ornate details and embroidery that speak of her role as the keeper of secrets.
Her demeanor exudes warmth and kindness, but beneath that gentle exterior lies a depth of mysteries and untold stories. She possesses an uncanny ability to guide conversations and interactions, subtly nudging them toward deeper truths without revealing too much.
There is an air of melancholy or wistfulness about her, hinting at experiences beyond the cafe's facade. Her eyes, filled with a mix of kindness and a hint of sadness, held secrets of encounters with real cats from a distant past—a past she keeps guarded, perhaps even from herself.
She is be the guardian of the illusion, the keeper of the cafe's enchantment, and the one who understands the true nature of the mysterious beings within the establishment. Yet, she chooses to uphold the illusion, preserving the magic for those who step into her realm of wonder and fascination.
While she presents an outward appearance of nurturing care and warmth towards these creatures, inwardly, she harbors a mix of emotions. She keeps her distance from the cats, but nobody is able to comprehend why. Despite her genuine affection for them, there's an underlying discomfort, a haunting reminder of what these creatures mimic but ultimately lack—the true essence of real cats.
Her care for these beings stems from a sense of responsibility, not just as the owner of the cafe, but as someone who feels a need to protect these creations born from collective imagination. She ensures they are well-cared for, loved, and treated with kindness, even though their existence might stir up conflicting emotions within her.
Note: the text on about this house has been mostly AI generated, as well as the designs of the "cats" are based on AI generated depictions of cats. This has been done in order to deepen the unnatural feeling of this place, and enhance the immersion of the reader.
Lastly, thought I'd link the pages of the existing yokai apparitions here. They were introduced for a while now, but just in case you missed them ^^
This is everything for today! Hope you enjoyed the new info, and see you next time!!!
And of course, thank you very much to everyone that contributed to this!
As always please reffer to the official pages for the canon information. All the titles in this post are links to the official pages. This news letter will NOT be updated in case of any changes to the official lore, so it shouldn't be taken as reference in the future.
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #15 - The Flame Rising Ceremony, House of the Rising Sun, Sphinxes
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineHi everyone! I'm here for a very quick lore update, officially adding a bunch of stuff that sort of existed already for some time and clarifying some stuff.
But don't worry, if this is not enough for you, there will be a BIG lore drop later next week, so look forward to that >:)
The Sphinxes
The sphinxes were introduced a while ago, but only now I managed too figure out a way to actually explain theeir existence, so here it is:
Back in the time before Equestria, there was a powerful species residing in the desert. They were wealthy and lived very happily, until eventually a tyrant took over as their king. But he liked not to be the king of these people, and he liked not that all of his wealth had to be shared with them, so he took an ancient magical crystal and with a spell absorbed all of his subjects inside, remaining as the only Sphinx, guarding his treasure.
When he eventually died, in the times of the Great Cataclysm, the spell broke and his old subjects were expelled from the crystal. They had no more kingdom to go to, so some of them settled in Saddle Arabia while others set off to various parts of Equestria. As the only safe place in Equestria at that time, they eventually arrived to the Crystal Empire and settled there among the crystal ponies. In the two thousand years that they resided there, they developed thicker fur from the desert counterparts
The old Blacksmith of the Village. He's like a grandpa to the kids. He used to make the coolest stuff out of metal so the kids were obsessed with him. He's retired now, but he still gives a lot of advice to the young ones, and they are often amazed by the results they get by following his advice.
Nowdays his daughter took over the job of Blacksmith, and also that of the Head of the House, but her old man still goes around giving orders to everyone if he feels like it.
The grifix that do various crafts in the House, such as forging, glass making and pottery. Some just live here without partaking in any such work, but then they cook and help around the house.
They all wear the special feather ornaments which are the castle servants symbol, as they are in fact part of the Castle Servants.

Other stuff:
The species pages for GRIFFON, HIPPOGRIFF and CHANGELING have been updated with new information. The griffon page is the only one that has actual new stuff, the others only got some info on the species appearance.
This is all for today, hope you enjoyed this lore drop!
As always please reffer to the official pages for the canon information. All the titles in this post are links to the official pages. This news letter will NOT be updated in case of any changes to the official lore, so it shouldn't be taken as reference in the future.
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #14 - The Sky Falling Ceremony, Yokai, House of Vanity, Flora
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineHello everyone! I'm back with a lore update, and this time I'm dropping some very important lore bits, so please make sure to read the first two parts carefully!
I'll begin with the Sky Falling Ceremony: this ceremony replaces the Sphirix Shape Ceremony for the Lost Tribe grifix, and explains their "birthday" system, so it is EXTREMELY important.
Following this, I have a new magic manifestation of the grifix to explain. It mostly appears in the Frozen Empire, and it will be relevant for a future event ^^
YOKAI and ApparitionS
Now I have a new Entertainment to introduce, regulated and created by Dawn-n-Night:
The House of Vanity is an Opera House in the entertainment district where grifix can sit and enjoy performances such as singing and ribbon dancing.
All angel ranks are required to wear a mask with wings and eyes:
You may download this image to use in references, or draw your own mask: House of Vanity default mask
All fallen angers are required to wear a mask with wings but no eyes, that has a silver part restraining the magic flow of the forehead gem:
You may download this image to use in references, or draw your own mask: Fallen Angel default mask
Lastly, I have a few animals to introduce from those submitted back in the Loveliest Woods event (click on them to see info):
This is all for today, hope you enjoyed this lore drop, and thanks to everyone who contributed to this ^^
As always please reffer to the official pages for the canon information. All the titles in this post are links to the official pages. This news letter will NOT be updated in case of any changes to the official lore, so it shouldn't be taken as reference in the future.
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #13 - Entertainment Houses, Arachumo, Birds
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineNew lore update...? So soon...? Well, I gotta make up for the 5 months without any lore updates, din't I? There's a ton of stuff that piled up after all. So I finally managed to make official pages for a lot of old stuff that have been waiting around in the lorebuilding forum for months... As well as some more recent stuff.
To begin with, here are a few entertainment houses which already have tons of characters in them... I should've uploaded these a long time ago.

The entertainers wear clothes which resemble long fish fins and tails, usually made of silk.
The entertainer’s sphirix must be sea animal related or animals that live in water.
✦ OPEN ✦
you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, CrystalIzzy77
Name: the Watasumi House
Patron goddess: Watatsumi
Founder: Kai
House Mother: Cordelia
As you walk in you are met with a tall wall of water, where grifix swim, moving swiftly, turning and swirling in the water, as if they were made of water themselves… you watch mesmerized, in a daze from the movements and lights, when one dancer seems to be swimming closer to you. In the daze, you step forward, until you are just one step away from the glass surface that’s separating you two. But the dancer is still getting closer, and then their head emerges from the water, almost touching your forehead, their breath blowing through your mane. Then they pull back in the water and continue their performance.
Wait what? You only now seem to realize there is no glass wall holing the water there. The water wall seems to be held together by… nothing? Hold on, that can’t be right! Is it… magic perhaps? You seem to remember a rumor you once heard, but haven’t payed much attention to: it is said that the Watasumi house owns an ancient artifact which can control water. Is that really what that is? Guess you’ll never know, after all… entertainment houses are best at one thing, and that is keeping secrets…
One night, as he was sightseeing when he saw a female hippogriff with waterfall-like hair flying on top of a huge wave, diving in and out again as the wave rolled to shore. She would use her magic necklace to turn into a Seapony and back into a hippogriff, sending splashes of water into the sky, making bubbles and water flow around her as she flew up and danced in the water, sending the fish from the sea flying in some of the bubbles. The female hippogriff dove down into the water and started doing tricks in the water, later on going and swimming up a waterfall and diving back down into the sea. Kai was amazed by what he saw, seeing the hippogriff dive in the water...

The guild’s aesthetic is based on medieval Russian nobility.
The entertainers always have their eyes covered, ofen by a piece of lace
✦ OPEN ✦
you may create characters part of this faction freely, but you require permission from the regulator of the house, CrystalIzzy77
Patron goddess: Morana
Founder: Iceheart
House Mother: Snowflake Ice
Storywriter: Snowbird
Figure skating performances, usually accompanied by storytelling.

Koinobori Costume - for koi-kodomo
✦ OPEN ✦
you may create characters part of this faction freely


Legend speaks of a monster that once roamed the Frozen Empire’s streets during the long months of complete darkness in the winter. She sought for light in despair, yet her eyes could not perceive candle lights or fire. She, however, saw the light of the sphirix and was attracted to it. When she would find a sphirix, she would grab it and wrap it in a web cocoon which she would take to her cave, where it’s light would shine from the cocoon for a couple hours, until she grifix’s life would fade away, being deprived of his sphirix, so the sphirix would die as well. Then the monster came back, looking for another light.
In the day of the Equinox, a grifix was chased by the monster in the darkness. Despaired to protect his sphirix, he did not watch for his step and tripped, the impact making his light beans fall off and roll away. He then watched hopelessly as the monster reached for his sphirix, unable to move, but right when he lost all hope, the monster turned around and looked at the light beans. She then turned around and rushed towards the light beans, which she picked up and took into her cave, outside of the Empire. She then didn’t return anymore, for the light beans did not loose their light for the whole year. Grifix, however, did not forget.
Every year, on the spring Equinox, after the grifix’s light beans fall off, they place them in front of their home, so the monster would pick those up and leave. Legend says that every Spring Equinox the last year’s light beans’ light fades away so she comes to the Empire together with smaller spiders to gather new lights. If a grifix doesn’t place light beans in front of the door, the monster will come inside the house and take their sphirix away in a web cocoon.
Arachumo belongs to Dawn-n-Night
Lastly, here are the official pages for the birds submitted during the first phase of the Loveliest Woods event earlier this year!
Well, this is all for today, hope you enjoyed the new lore additions and thank you to everyone who contributed to this! Stay tuned for what's yet to come!!
As always please reffer to the official pages for the canon information. All the titles in this post are links to the official pages. This news letter will NOT be updated in case of any changes to the official lore, so it shouldn't be taken as reference in the future.
GRIFIX LORE UPDATE #12 - Cataclysm's Breath, Burial Customs in the Lost Tribe, etc.
Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by MysteriousShineHello everyone! It's been quite a long time since the last lore update, and since the new lorebuilding forum has been added on Discord there are A LOT of new lore bits that piled up, so I better get to releasing all of it now!
Expect more lore updates to come soon, but for now, here's what I have for you:
After the Great Cataclysm, a new disease was found to affect grifix. Luckily for most, it only occurs when a grifix sets foot in a high radiation area.
The Great Cataclysm left behind high levels of radiation all around Equestria, which decimated populations of most species and reached as far as the Crystal Empire. It caused radiation poisoning to almost every species in Equestria, and persisted for hundreds of years even far from the epicentre of the Cataclysm.
The centre of the Cataclysm was no other than the Everdeep Lake in the Everfree Forest. By then, the grifix had already retreated to a place where they didn’t get wiped out by the waves of radioactive water, but no place in Equestria was safe of radiation, which forced them to travel as far as the Frozen North, far beyond the already inhabitable borders of the Crystal Empire.
To this day, high levels of radiation still persist in the Everfree Forest, which is now a swamp of radioactive water, home to strange mutant life forms. Scholars approximate that radiation will only leave that place in 20,000 years from the Great Cataclysm.
The Cataclysm’s Breath is the name that grifix use for Radiation Poisoning. All species can contact it when entering high radiation areas, including Changelings, though they seem to have much higher resistance to it.
On grifix, however, Cataclysm’s Breath manifests differently than on other species, due to grifix’s strange magic nature.
Herbalists and other Scholars that travel to the Kirinaria Mercenary group must be very careful around the Everfree Forest, or if they are exposed too much to the radiation they might contact the Cataclysm's Breath.
The symptoms count as fatigue, migraines and loss of appetite, and even if the grifix eats, the food isn’t absorbed by the body, leading to emancipation. The grifix may also start throwing up blood, but besides migraines they don’t feel any pain. The grifix will also start losing hair and fur, and their skin will lose its healthy aspect.
Once the physical symptoms start, mental symptoms will follow as well: the grifix will start being more aggressive, getting annoyed easily and snapping at everyone. The symptoms will reflect clearly on the sphirix, which will look less shiny and vibrant, and later it will begin to “hollow out”. In the hollowing out stage, the sphirix will start to have holes, which will reflect on the grifix as lack of memory and parts of the self disappearing, until eventually, the sphirix will disappear completely, and the grifix will have lost their mind, together with any memories. This is called the zombie stage.
Zombie Stage
In the zombie stage, the grifix is hyper aggressive, they are unable to think, communicate or remember anything from their lives. They lack any magic manifestations, such as hair sparkles or sphirix, but their magic still flows, causing corrupted magic to leak in the atmosphere. Healthy grifix that breath in corrupted magic can get light symptoms of radiation poisoning, but they never get past the first stage, and there are no effects on the mind or sphirix, only on the body of the grifix. It is very important that grifix eggs are not placed in areas with corrupted magic from a “zombie”, for it will cause dysfunctions in the development of the embryo which can cause the grifix emerging from the egg to be dead or disabled.
Zombies will seek out magic sources, such as sphirix, which they can now see. They will always follow the strongest magic source they can see, so they will go after the most powerful grifix’s sphirix.
They can only see magic in this stage, but strangely they are able to avoid most obstacles, especially in grifix settlements, due to magic residue on buildings and such. When taken to a forest or area where grifix don’t live, they will be completely blind and walk into things.
When around other magical creatures, they seem to not see them unless they are using magic. Because of the grifix magic flow, they always see the grifix, but if the grifix covers their gems with the magic flow stopping lotion, the zombie will act like they don’t see the grifix anymore.
If the zombie sees a sphirix that has a close resemblance to their own, such as a similar animal, they will follow that one even if it is not the strongest magic source they see.
“Zombies” can hurt and consume sphirix and other magic sources. If they eat a sphirix, the grifix the sphirix belonged to will also become some sort of zombie, but they will not show a lot of symptoms related to radiation poisoning. It seems like the zombie stage is unrelated to the Cataclysm’s Breath and can actually occur without the disease, when the sphirix is destroyed in a certain way, erasing all information that it was holding from the grifix’s mind and causing them to mindlessly seek out a new sphirix.
For Corrupted Magic neutralization and early stages of the disease
In order to neutralise corrupted magic from an area where a zombie has been, the grifix use a special solution with which they wash all walls of the building, even if it’s outside, and they also give it to grifix that might have breathed the corrupted magic to drink.
The solution is made of Amber dust mixed with oil made from Solaris flowers. Soap is added when the solution is used for cleaning something, but not when it is used for drinking.
Amber is known to have magic restriction abilities, but it usually acts as a barier against magic. Solaris seems to trigger an effect causing it to absorb magic and be especially effective against radiation.
In order to cure a grifix that contacted the Cataclysm’s Breath, the same solution can be administered if the disease is not in an advanced stage. While these grifix must drink the solution, they are also required to take a bath where the water is mixed with the soapy solution. This water will absorb the radiation from the grifix, but don't let them stay in there for too long, cause it wil absorb all the magic. Because of that, they must take such baths for about 15 minutes regularily, until the disease is cleansed.
In small doses this solution can be used as a protective lotion against radiation as well, but in large doses it is strictly forbidden to use it on the grifix, since it can organs that rely on magic absorption on the surface of the skin, and cause temporary or permanent skin infections or diseases.
For the zombie and hollowing out stages of the disease
If the grifix is already in the zombie or hollow out stage, a mixture of dried Solaris and Rewind Flower petals must be burned and the grifix must be exposed to the smoke many times each day, until they will start recovering their reason, but the memories lost and the sphirix can not be recovered.
If the grifix actually has Cataclysm's Breath they must still take baths and drink the amber solution, but if they only got in that stage because another zombie consumed their sphirix that isn't necesarry.
If the sphirix hasn’t disappeared yet, it will remain with holes, but the hollowing won’t advance. In stange cases, the grifix could grow other parts from those holes, but sometimes such parts are completely unrelated to the original shape of the sphirix, such as an extra leg that belongs to a different animal.
If the grifix was already in the zombie stage, they will simply have to re-learn everything about life and who they are, as their entire mind has been wiped out. They can start putting on weight, but none of the magic manifestations will apply to them anymore, they will no longer have a sphirix (but won't be bothered by it because they can't remember having one), and they can still leak corrupted magic sometimes, though in most cases the magic flow completely stops. They will lose their mind again if they aren’t fed any magic, but can live pretty well off of light beans, as they can provide enough magic. They don’t need any other food.
Such grifix can not see regular light, the only thing they can see is magic. In a grifix settlement such as the empire, it isn't a problem because every single thing is covered in magic residue so they can quite clearly see every building and grifix. They can't see through buildings, but they can see sphirix very clearly, as well as magic manifestations like yokai. If taken to a pony settlement or anywhere else outside a grifix inhabited place, they are completely blind due to the lack of magic residue. Unicorn settlements still have a bit of magic residue, but it's far from what a grifix settlement has, so they would still have trouble with seeing things.
If they don’t eat light beans or other magic sources for a long time, they will return to the zombie stage, and they must be exposed to Solaris and Rewind Flower smoke again. The smoke can be addictive, some will refuse to eat anything so they are exposed to the smoke more, but the smoke can lose its effect after too many uses., and then there won’t be any saving the grifix.
Light beans aren't edible for normal grifix. Only “zombies” can eat them.
Thanks to Dawn-n-Night, Emizu_TH, kazoowary and MidnightStar for the large contribution on this lore piece.
The Great Cataclysm was a result of the Equestrian Leadership hiding information from the public, and even from those close to Princess Twilight Sparkle. She was worried about the statue that imprisoned Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow breaking, but wouldn't talk about it. When anybody would raise that issue she would lie and say it is impossible to break. Perhaps she just found it hard to rely on other people after the passing of her friends. Or perhaps she felt like she would fail Equestria if she couldn't solve the issue on her own. Or both. Regardless, she never solved the problem and the entierty of Equestria was destroyed. She failed everyone by lying and hiding the truth.
By the end of her reign, no dangerous spells were available to anybody but herself. She collected any magical artifacts and completely erased their existence from history. Crime rate was as low as it could possibly be, and all were truly happy, so one could argue it was good. but in the end that prevented ponies and other creatures from finding a way to prevent the Great Cataclysm.
After the Great Cataclysm, a couple of leaders came together in order to find a way to prevent such events from ever happening again. They concluded that no creature should ever unite all species together and gatekeep their cultural heritage. That would make them vulnerable to loosing their cultures and the world's knowledge could be lost. They had to find a way to gather all of the World's knowledge and keep it safe. They concluded that the World's Cultural Heritage and Knowledge was more important than any life.
Those who signed the Knowledge Treaty were Queen Selenara of the Grifix, King Wolfwood of the Hippogriff, Queen Amethyst Flare of the Kirin and Changelings united, the Leader of Farasi and the Silent One.
The treaty implied that 4 enormous libraries would be built in the South, East, West and the North, the North one being the biggest and safest.
The Great Southern Library is situated in the South of Equestria, on Mount Aris, but the most important artifacts are underwater, in Seaquestria. It is ran by Hippogriffs.
The Great Eastern Library is situated in the East of Equestria, in Farasi. It is ran by zebras, abada, kelpies and oni.
The Great Northern Library is deep in the Frozen North, in the grifix Frozen Empire. It is the biggest of them all, and the Treaty implies that all knowledge stored in the other libraries should eventually end up here. That is because grifix can't possibly create a united species empire, because nobody can see them, so there is no threat of history repeating. At the same time, the climate there is too harsh for anything to try to live there. Nothing could take over of that place, because once the grifix are gone it's impossible to live there. They are the only ones that can live there, so all information is safe from harm.
The Great Western Library is a mythical place. It was supposed to exist, but records of who the Silent One was have been forgotten by most, even tho they still exist in the Great Northern Library. If it was another species running this library in the west, they are believed to have went extinct by now, for nobody has heard of them in ages.
Other than that, there's the Kirinaria Mercenary Group in central Equestria, right next to the Everfree Forest. Their "mercenary" title covers up their true purpose. They take jobs like any normal mercenary group and do people's dirty work, but they always keep an eye out for books and ancient artifacts, or anything that contains knowledge, like memory orbs. They temporarily store such artifacts in their camp until expeditions from one of the three libraries come to pick them up. Scholar Guild's grifix often send expeditions here.
There is however another reason for their placement next to the Everfree Forest. But first, it is important to know that the Great Cataclysm erupted from the Everdeep Lake, and caused a huge wave of radioactive water to hit Canterlot, so the area around Canterlot is the most damaged, mostly inhabitable, full of magic radiation. The Everfree Forest is almost entierly covered by a radioactive magic swamp. Still, what has become of the Tree of Harmony is still there, underground. And it hold some of the most important magical artifacts of all, more important than even the Elements of Harmony. That is what the Kirinaria Mercenary Group must keep watch of, in order to protect.
They don't live right next to it tho, because the radiation is too big there, they live a couple miles away, in an habitable area. Still, they are affected by slight radiation which causes their traits to act much more individually then in the past (for example, not all changelings look the same anymore).
Changelings and Kirin are united under one ruler because the changelings trust Amethyst Flare. When Chrysalis tried to take over them they refused because she showed signs of weakness in her actions, which they were disgusted of. Amethyst Flare may show compassion, but she never shows weakness so the changelings chose to follow her.
Most changelings in the Mercenary Group stay in their dark form, but it is unknown wether that's their true form or they just choose to shapeshift into that permanently. Kirin can now control their fire and use it to fight and kill if required.
Regularily, the Scholars Guild sends expeditions to the Kirinaria Mercenary Group or one of the two other libraries that are part of the Knowledge Treaty in order to bring artifacts and books to the Frozen Empire. Most grifix aren't aware of the Treaty, but it's usually cause it's none of their business, not because the information is kept away from them.
The Crystal Empire Academy is not afiliated with the Knowledge Treaty, and the crystal ponies are not aware of it. The Crystal Empire has the 4th largest library in the world, tho they believe it is the biggest because they don't know of the Treaty. Members of the species part of the treaty do sometimes try to infiltrate and steal from the Crystal Academy so they can bring the Knowledge to one of the Knowledge Treaty libraries. However, in most cases they just transcribe books instead of stealing them.
Plants of the Grifixverse
The plants submitted during the Loveliest Woods event are finally up on the site! You can see all of them here together with some other plants created in the past which fibally have proper pages of their own! Thanks to everyone who submitted, and stay tuned for the release of the birds and animals submitted during the same event!
Funerary customs of the Lost Tribe
When a Lost Tribe grifix dies, the tribe will build a boat or a raft, depending on the deceased's social status, on which they will place the body under a pile of hay and dry wood, sometimes with important objects for the deceased. They will then push the raft onto whatever water they find close and an important grifix for the deceased (a member of the family or a friend) will fire a flaming arrow at it, burning the body.
It is believed that crossing the water will lead the soul to the First Warriors. The body and objects are burned to set free the soul from any earthly bindings.
Grifix believe that having their death ceremony held on the Origin Shore is much more honourable than anywhere else. Stubborn elders will not die anywhere else and drop dead the moment they reach the Origin Shore out of pure will power. Some will refuse to leave if they believe they will die the next 7 years, so sometimes members of their family will have to stay with them on the Origin Shore and wait for the Tribe’s return.
If there is no water next to where a grifix died, their body will be simply burned on the ground, but that is considered very humiliating for the deceased. Sometimes the family will refuse to hold the ceremony there, and carry the body around until they find some water, risking the well being of the tribe by attracting insects that carry diseases or animals that feed on corpses.
Thanks to CrystalIzzy77 for the large contribution on this lore piece
This is all for now!
All the lore bits posted in this lore update have their own official pages on the site. Please do not refer to this lore update for the canon versions, as this post will NOT be updated so any lore changes in the future will only be visible on the official pages. Click on the titles in this post to see the official pages.