[Lo-W3] Divided Tree / Crystal Fruit

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Credit: MidnightStar

This is a last minute entry (my specialty lmao), so ignore the missing details every other submission has and the decreasing art skill oof-

General Appearance:

The Divided Tree always looks rather old and knobby. It has lots of branches branching out everywhere and it even has more branches than leaves. It even grows very thorn-like small sticks on literally everywhere.
The few leaves it has grow in bulks which can often be confused for common tree sicknesses "normal" trees can get (outside of the Everfree Forest). The leaves are a rather muddy green and blend in perfectly with the rest of the Everfree Forest.
Just to note, the entire tree is alive. Even if the branches look dead most of the time, they are still alive. In fact, the less leaves a tree has, the healthier it is.

Living Environment:

As mentioned before, the Divided Tree only grows in the Everfree Forest, specifically near the Camp of the Divided Grifix. The Ghastly Gorge has the highest density of this type of tree.
Otherwise, it can also be found throughout the forest, but it avoids the Village for some reason. It is rumored that the tree cannot cope with the magic from the Village Grifix, but this hasn't been confirmed.

The Fruit:

The fruit has a shape of a crystal, although it is rather soft to the touch. The paring is slightly crisp, before it gives room to the delicious pulp. (Honestly, think of this fruit like a blueberry in crystal shape.)
As for the growth, this fruit does not have a flower stadium prior! It literally starts growing from the bare branch. A fruit will start to develop if the tree gathered enough magic from its environment. It also only grows on branches that are just out of reach from the ground. If you wish to harvest these fruit, you simply have to shake the tree and the ripe fruits will fall down (unless you are from the Village).

The Wood:

The trunk is unique to the trees. It normally is a muddy brown, similar to other Everfree Forest trees, but it changes color upon being harvested. When a Grifix touches the tree to shake it, the tree's bark will start to change colors to the magic color of the Grifix, spreading from where the Grifix is touching it.

The uniqueness of the tree:

What sets this tree apart from all the others in the Everfree Forest is that it blatantly favorites Divided Grifix over any other Grifix. If a Village Grifix shakes the tree, instead of the ripe fruit falling down, the thorn-like sticks will fall down instead. If a Village Grifix wants a Crystal Fruit, they will have to fly up and try to grab one through the jumbled mess of the wildly grown branches.
Also, the tree changing color isn't just for fun. It is additionally gathering magic next to feeding off of the Everfree Forest's natural magic. And it again favorites the Divided Grifix because if a Divided Grifix touches the tree, the tree will gain magic without taking magic away from the Grifix. But if a "normal" Grifix touches the tree, the tree will steal part of their magic.


Honestly, this tree has no use for Village (or Tribe) Grifix. It just steals their magic and makes it unnecessarily hard for them to get one of its delicious fruits. Still, they do taste very delicious, so there are a few young cubs every year trying to get one of its fruits to savour them.
As for the Divided Grifix, the tree truly blesses them. Consuming the fruit will temporarily strengthen their magic and this effect can be stacked. However, this is to be taken with caution, as the stacked effect also increases a Grifix's recklessness. This, by the way, also counts for every other Grifix. Eat too much and you're on drugs, pretty much. Just that the "normal" Grifix gain no positive effect from it.
The leaves can be mashed and turned into a paste that can ease any pain (it'll just be less present, it won't make the pain go away) if applied to where it hurts on the body. The leaves could technically also be consumed, but the tree grows the leaves to get rid of any negative substances it may accidentally consume. They're also incredibly bitter.
The wood is not used (see Rumors down below).


There are quite a few rumors about this tree next to all of the Village Grifix wondering why the heck it hates them so much.

A few Grifix who shook the tree claim that the little sticks that fall down actually made them feel stronger again. There are some reports where Grifix stumbled over a Divided Tree when they were absolutely exhausted and shook it because they hoped for the fruit to refresh them. But as instead of the fruit, the sticks trickled onto the Grifix they felt stronger again. It is however still unknown whether that is actually true or not.

As for why the wood isn't used; the Divided Grifix have always been super hesitant to cut it. Village Grifix have the same hesitation, plus they're also not that fond of using wood from a tree that hates them, so they won't even come close enough to cut wood from it.

And for good reason because it is rumored that that actually is the reason for why the tree hates Village Grifix so much. A long, long time ago, a Village Grifix used to grow this kind of tree in a garden just far away enough for the tree to be able to grow. And at first, the tree looked fine, great even! For it had lots of leaves while growing up. The Grifix was proud of their work and never wondered why their tree had so many more leaves than the wild ones. They were convinced that the wild one were infected or something and only their tree was growing perfectly. They were a bit confused and concerned about the old and dead-looking branches, but they eventually just shrugged it off because, I mean, the tree was still growing, so it couldn't have been that bad.
But as the tree actually became old and stopped growing, it also started to lose its leaves. The Grifix was so worried and thought that the weird infestation of the wild trees had taken over that tree as well, so they started to cut off the branches that were completely leafless to stop the infestation from spreading. The more branches they cut off, the faster the tree started to wither. The Grifix was sad to see the tree die, but never even lost a thought to maybe it being their doing that caused the tree to wither. Instead, they just cut off more branches more quickly and the tree was dead within three days. And that's why the tree hates the Village Grifix.

Grifix didn't have a proper name for this tree for a very long time, until they generally found out about the Divided Grifix and when they learnt how much the tree loved the Divided Grifix, they just dubbed the tree "Divided Tree" and decided to never have anything to do with it ever again.
Divided Grifix never really felt the need to give the tree itself a name, although they do respect the tree, but they decided to call the fruit "Crystal Fruit" because of its very crystal-like shape.

It is rumored amongst Divided Grifix that if a Grifix with crystals growing on them would constantly share their magic with this tree, the tree would grow crystal fruits in the shape of the Grifix's crystals. They generally think that the fruit forms after the magic consumed.

[Lo-W3] Divided Tree / Crystal Fruit
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In 4. Character Art
Credit: MidnightStar
No description provided.

Submitted By MidnightStar for The Loveliest Woods III
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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