Tribal Instinct - Prologue
The clouds parted ways as a burst of bright color overwhelmed the starlit sky, leaving the moon and the stars to be seen. The colors bright flew swirling over the sky, coloring the night in all shades of the rainbow. The starlit queen looked down to the earth and sighed.
“Is this it? Is this how it will end? All those years when what I’ve build grew to become the beautiful village of today... all shall be brought down by my mistakes from the past?”
‘My queen’ spoke a voice from her back. The queen turned and looked at the gathering of starlit Grifix that stood there, waiting for her. She sighed, gathered herself back up, and spoke:
‘I believe you all know why we’re here... and I believe that you all know of the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. The tribe has now a way to fulfill it’s wish...’
‘Stop blaming yourself, this is all Eclipsa’s fault!’ Shouted an angry looking old grifix.
‘True... who might’ve thought that such a young king could bring a VILLAGE QUEEN to such despicable actions... despite who she is, she was raised as a queen. I thought there was more to her than that...’ spoke a beautiful grifix in a disappointment voice.
‘Oh gods, is this the end of us now? The tribe will use Eclipsa to find the village! The village will have no chance fighting against them! They’re too strong!’ Spoke a small grifix with a pink aura and a high voice.
‘...yes. But there is nothing we can do now to reverse what has been done. Our power no more stretches over the Grifix of the tribe. They have their own ancestors now and live in their own sky. Other Stars watch over them. All I can hope for is that... one day our skies may unite.’ Spoke the queen.
‘Hard to believe, but you’re right. All we can do now is find a way to warn the village about this. We’ve made too many mistakes. Too many lies lye buried in the village. Our choices might bring their end. We must be careful. We must not make another mistake.’ Came up a beautiful, tall grifix that gave away a scent of flowers.
‘What about the baby? The egg? Are we gonna just abandon it there? Abandoned by his mother, abandoned by his village, abandoned by the stars? How will his soul find his way to the stars if he’s not raised in the village?’ A worried female spoke up.
The Grifix took a moment of silence.
‘It is truly regrettable... but what can we do about that?’ Spoke Rosa.
‘That I might know something about!’ A loud voice spoke from the darkness. The Grifix parted ways and a tall deer with impressive antlers made his way towards the queens.
‘Mriga?’ Starla looked surprised at him. ‘What brings you here?’
‘As I said, my queen, I might know a way to solve all of your problems. Assuming you trust enough someone that isn’t a grifix...’ the crowd started whispering but the deer ignored the gesture. He turned around and made a few steps to the middle where he started speaking.
‘I shall use my magic to unite my spirit with the newborn baby’s magic. I shall become it’s sphirix and I will take care of him until he is old enough, when I’ll guide him back to the village. This way, he will be safe and the Grifix in the village will have a way to find out about the tribe, by investigating his past.’ The crowd exploded in disapproval.
‘Embody as his sphirix? Do you know what you’re saying? What about his soul?! Where will it go?!’
‘Silence!’ Shouted Rosa. ‘Do you not trust this deer that has been by your side for millennia now?! Surely you must know he wouldn’t propose such an ABSURD idea like possessing the Grifix!’
‘Thank you, Queen Rosa. I never intended such a thing. The grifix’s soul will be free living inside of him like the soul of every other creature. I shall only unite my soul with his magic, he’ll see me as his sphirix and won’t know a thing. This is the only way he can survive. Otherwise it’ll be death for him. And for the village as well.’
The crowd remained silenced looking confused around.
‘You should get going, Mriga.’ Said Starla. ‘The Star Seeker might hatch every time now.’
* * *
Mriga looked down at the baby who was laying in the grass, crying loudly. It sure felt strange being in that world again, but it was nothing like the last time. He reached for the baby focusing his magic in his hooves. He grabbed him and started walking away.
“Good” he said to himself. “His magic is strong enough for me to materialize parts of my body and carry him. But I’m not sure for how long I can keep this up. Better find some food fast. I can’t let him die. I promised to the star Grifix that he’ll arrive safely to the village. But the village is too far for me to be traveling with a baby like this... I can barely sustain my physical shape. They’ll have to wait a couple years before that. I just got to make sure he’ll survive long enough to start walking.”
Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago