[Lo-W4] Chicken II

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Credit: MidnightStar

"Don't you think they look just like a sea chicken?"
"Hm, yeah, I guess..."
"Then why don't we call them that?"
"Why should we call them after something that already exists?"
"Do you have a better idea?"
"... No."
"Great! Then that's settled."
"We could at least think about a combination of both sea and chicken."
"Huh? Why? Just «chicken» is fine imo."


This fish is a big oval in shape, like an oval with a thumb lol
The thumb is their head and it somewhat looks like a beak...? It's definitely not as sharp as an actual beak. They have big round fins to either side of their body and have a somewhat silky look to them. They are just normal fins though.
These creatures come in shades of white and a very, very soft pink. The head is always in a yellow or orange, which just further contributes to the head looking like a beak.
They have long, but thin scales which look like feathers.

These fish are usually around the same size of a flounder/flatfish, with that also being the maximum size they can reach, but they come in all sizes up until that.


They can live in the hot climates of Southern Equestria, but they also are a fairly common sight in the Empire. They adapt to the size of the body of water they live in and stay small if the body of water is shallow.


Chicken are omnivores. They eat everything and anything that comes in front of their head. If it fits in their mouth, they eat it. They are not selective at all and eat harmful things without batting an eye.
During the era of the Everfree Grifix (these include the Village, Tribe, Divided, and Trifix), these creatures would often become sick and then die when they ate something harmful. But the ones living in the Empire era are practically immune to such things. Their immune system has evolved to be able to unharm any harmful thing they might eat.

Means of Transportation:

These fish move by flapping, or rather, whirring their fins which causes them to constantly turn around themselves. Essentially, these are rolling around through the water. Sometimes, they forget to move both fins in a synchronous way and may swim circles in the same spot.


These creatures are literally the definition of "even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn". They are dumb little creatures without a care in the world. When they are spinning around in the same spot, they don't even realize that. Eventually, they will start to move both fins equally and start moving again. Some say, they just float around doing nothing and many are surprised that they are still alive. They are too dumb to live... but there has to be something to that, for otherwise they wouldn't have been able to survive up until the Empire era without evolving at all. Maybe it was time to study these creatures and find out the secret behind their survival...
They are super easy prey, not hiding or swimming away if you sneak up to them. If you close in on them reeeeeally slow and they notice you, they try to flee by whirring their wings harder. It minimally helps.
"Chicken" is actually just a nickname, a short, abbreviated version of their full name. Their full name is "chicken fish", to avoid confusion with an actual chicken.

Grifix Use:

If Empire Grifix knew how chicken would taste, they would tell you that the chicken fish taste very similarly.
Everfree Grifix do tell you that they are the exact same. Maybe the chicken evolved to be able to survive in water.

Otherwise, their scales are rather easy to dye (especially the white ones, the soft pink ones will always have a soft pink note to whatever color you may dye them) and are used for decorative means. As these fish are easy to come by (and probably also the easiest prey in the entire Empire), the scales are cheap and a cheap replacement of actual feathers.
The fins are of a similar case and are usually used for veils with their silky looks. If you layer several fins over each other, it will create these semi-translucent veils.

Legends and Rumors:

"Have you ever heard of the Intelligent Chicken Fish?"
"Are you making fun of me?"

"Nope, cuz I haven't heard of that either."

Original Sketch of the Chicken Fish - a chicken who evolved to live in the water
[Lo-W4] Chicken II
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: MidnightStar
No description provided.

Submitted By MidnightStar for The Loveliest Woods IV
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 11 months ago

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