[Lo-W4] Enchanted II
*bitch slap*
Enchanted's are small lil fish that come in very light colors, but all hues. They have two lil side fins and one tail fin. They also have a head fin that always has a much longer end which usually amounts to about half of the body size. The fins are partly see-through and are always a darker shade of the body color.
They have a camouflage mechanism which allows them to appear in the exact same coloration of a shrimp.
The Grifix Empire only. These fish actually evolved from the Sneake who was too large to live in the more nothern areas where the cataclysm had forced them to flee to. It was also too cold, but that was less important.
They instead involved to be smaller and faster with their size being mostly converted into additional strength.
How they hunt:
Enchanted's hunt by pretending to be shrimp - which is why they are able to camouflage into looking like one. They not only look like it, but also pretend to act like one and wait for predators of shrimp to attack them. Once they are close enough, they will bitch slap them with the longer end of their head fin. And while the predator is stunned, they all attack at the same time.
Naturally, the predator of a shrimp is much bigger than a shrimp or even the Enchanted itself, so Enchanteds always hunt in bigger groups, with a select few luring in the predator and once the predator has been bitch slapped, they will go all out and attack at once. When they don't succeed, they flee into very narrow corners where the predator can't get them, and when they do succeed, they will enjoy a feast together.
I will openly admit that I find the idea of a bitch slap hilarious, but had no idea what it could be for, so this is literally what I came up with as I was writing this lmao
As such, these fish are purely carnivorous. They rather starve than have a vegetarian diet.
They feed on the predators of shrimps, so creatures like other fish, crabs, or even birds. They prefer fish and crabs over birds though and birds are like the last resort in winter when there's nothing else around.
There is nothing "enchanted" about them, but they are called like that because in the Empire, the Sneake is believed to have been as long as Enchanted's hair and since the Enchanted evolved from that, they wanted to honor Enchanted and the Sneake's heritage by calling this fish 'Enchanted'.
Grifix Use:
Shrimp don't taste necessarily bad- Although trying to catch some is not an easy feat. The entire fish can be eaten and the fins taste somehow better than the actual fish. Also, for some reason, an Enchanted disguised as a shrimp tastes differently than a normal Enchanted.The head fins are also sometimes used to be braided into your hair as it is believed that it will make your hair grow longer.
Legends and Rumors:
There is a story about an Empire Grifix who lived just at the beginning of the Empire era and who was said to be obsessed with long hair. He would mercilessly hunt Enchanteds and steal their head fins to weave them into his hair. And his hair grew indeed, but he didn't stop. He continued to hunt down Enchanteds and continued to steal their head fins. After some time, he even used his hair to hunt them. Legends speak of his hair still being in the Empire when he was standing at the lake several miles away. But he was said to never return after that. When Grifix followed the trail of his hair, it would lead to the lake where he was always fishing, but he was seen nowhere around. The hair led right into the water and they tried to dive into it, but they were viciously attacked by a horde of Enchanteds that they decided to just leave him there.
After years of that trail of hair leading to that lake and becoming kinda gross, they cut it in sections and either burned it or scattered it around the Empire. Or made other use of it.

Submitted By MidnightStar
for The Loveliest Woods IV
Submitted: 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months ago