[Lo-W4] Chain Silk I

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Credit: MidnightStar

I very roughly based them on Chain Chompers from Mario...?


Chain Silks are made out of a black orb that does not seem to be flesh or covered with fins at all. It has a solid feel to it and shimmers when light falls onto it and even reflects the environment when you take them out of the water. It's also still up to debate whether the fins are fins or actually silk. They have a silky feeling to them and don't exactly appear fin-like? The fins usually come in all kinds of colors, but white is the most common occurence.
When they have their mouth closed, they appear like sweet innocent fish, but once they open their mouth... phew, they have some sharp teeth. Like damn. These things can chomp off a Grifix's paw cleanly.


They prefer deep and still waters, lurking in the depths and waiting for unexpecting prey. They are rather light, so currents too strong will take them with them. When strong currents appear and they notice soon enough, they will bury themselves deep into the ground.


They are carnivorous and their prey includes Grifix. They can live off of a Grifix's paw for several days. They only eat no meat if they really, really have no other choice.


Why didn't they just call them "Paw Choppers"? I have no idea.

If Chain Silks die, they become an actual orb with actual silk-like material that can be easily removed from the orb.
They are rather rare nowadays.

Grifix Use:

idk, do they have a use? Probably not. Although, if you manage to catch them (hint: their head fin is not as flexible as it might seem), their orbs/body are kind off a very neat material to work with. It's not sturdy enough for weapons, so if anything, only ceremonial weapons are made out of it, but jewelry looks kinda neat with this material.

Legends and Rumors:

"There are no legends about it, only nightmarish tales. Tales about Grifix having to walk around without paws and losing blood with every passing step or tales about a Chain Silk who just wouldn't stop biting pieces off of a Grifix. Or was that a group of Chain Silks attacking one Grifix? There's also a tale about a lake becoming red because a Grifix took a swim in there and was immediately lacerated. That one definitely resolved around a group of Chain Silks."

[Lo-W4] Chain Silk I
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: MidnightStar
No description provided.

Submitted By MidnightStar for The Loveliest Woods IV
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 11 months ago

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