[Lo-W5] Sugar aphids

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Credit: RubyNoble1
Sugar aphids :
Small bulbous jellybean shaped bugs. With pastel colors.
They can infest any colonies, but originally they were discovered  in the Everfree Village.
They fester and eat the stems of flowers and plants, in search for sugar.
1 day: egg
2 day: they grow a little more.
3 day: they hatch in their adult form.
Overtime sugar aphids grow from how much they eat, and if they aren’t eaten they continue to grow.
The Grifix use them to feed the Antoisa a proper growing meal.
[Lo-W5] Sugar aphids
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: RubyNoble1
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Submitted By MysteriousShine for The Loveliest Woods V
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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