[Lo-W5] Buzzers
*buzz, buzz, magic buzz*
Buzzers are kinda weird creatures, being a mixture of cats, breezies, and bumble bees. They have a rather big head sitting on a more sleek body. Their eyes are also kinda huge and look like a normal Grifix's eye (or pony eye), but with super long eye lashes that curl up at the end and could potentially be confused with antennae.
They have four legs that all end in tiny, little paws with retractable fangs. They have three pairs of wings, or rather, their wings are segmented in three parts and are see-through just like an insect's wing.
They have a long, but sleek and thin tail that ends in a kind of shaft.
Buzzers are very colorful and often come in bright, vibrant, or even neon colors. Somehow, they are not afraid to show off and stand out. You can find them in literally any color, although dark colors are very, very rare.
Everywhere! Grifix believe that they originally came from the South, but have started to expand over the entirety of Equestria. They weren't sure if they would be able to survive in colder areas, but as the Empire will find out, they will even manage to come to them.
These lil Buzzers feed on pollen, nectar, and honey and are not afraid to poke into a bee's nest. They do not have a mouth and actually use their tail to consume their food! Nobody knows why nature decided to just not give them a mouth.
Pollen is like their last resort though, when nothing else is available anymore. They would rather attack several bee hives for honey than eat pollen.
Quite simple. When they feed on pollen or nectar, they stick their butt into the flower and slurp the pollen or nectar with their tail just like a bee would.
When it comes to the delicious honey, an entire group of Buzzers usually attacks a hive. Sometimes, when it's still a small hive, they just barge in and kill everything on sight, but when it's a bigger hive, they go to the side where they'll find the majority of the honeycombs and literally peek the hive to stealthily eat the honey. They still do so in groups and usually have the two strongest Buzzers make a way for the honey and have them drink it, while the rest fights off any bees. Then, they switch positions until everyone has gotten at least a drop of the honey.
They do not attack flash bees though.
They are called "Buzzers" because their wings make the same buzzing sound that the bumble bees make. By the way, Buzzers also move their wings the same way as bumble bees.reproduction and aging:
Let's be real, neither Trifix nor Grifix know how they reproduce. They have never seen a hive or an actual swarm of Buzzers. They call the groups of 10 that they usually see (when Buzzers go and attack bees) a "swarm", but they're not. They have tried following Buzzers, but somehow, they always lose them on their chase through the forest.
The Empire Grifix probably do know how they reproduce as they do then know that Buzzers actually do form a swarm and live in a hive. They have their nests hanging high up at the walls, right where wall and ceiling meet. They use branches and leaves to make their hives look more natural, although it looks kinda weird so high up in the greenhouse. They can easily live up to 10 years, but old Buzzers are not held in high regards and are sometimes just left out when it comes to feeding the hive.
However, back in the Village days, - this is all widely unbeknownst to Grifix/Trifix now - they used to live in the ruins deep in the Everfree. They originally built their hives very close to the ground and just like in Empire times, strengthened it with branches, leaves, and flowers which also helped camouflage it. Often times, they also built it into bushes to further hide it.
Their hive can easily grow past 1,000 members and similarly to bumble bees, only the queens of the hive are able to reproduce. But unlike them, queens are by far not as rare as they are with bumble bees. There are easily 100 queens per hive, but that also greatly reduced their life span. They are still treated better than anyone else, but are not cared for as much as in other bee colonies. A queen usually lives for up to 6 months at most, but they are usually killed once they have laid 100 eggs. The rest of the colonies are workers and those who made the greatest efforts in keeping the hive healthy are allowed to reproduce with a queen.
Workers make sure to feed the queens with honey (because they love honey the most) and for that, they set out as far as they can. Queens can also be satisfied with nectar or pollen, but they definitely prefer honey over both. If you feed a queen pollen, then you have failed at your job.
Nothing really lol
They have tried following Buzzers to where they are coming from, but have so far failed to do so. It's also purely based on their colors that Grifix believe that they originally came from much further south.
What Grifix Don't Know:
It felt wrong putting it under Miscellanea, so I decided to make this rubric instead.
Maybe it fits under Miscellanea after all... huh.
Buzzers have magical properties! But Grifix don't know about that because they have not yet seen the ruins (I believe at least LMAO - couldn't find info on that anywhere, so I made my own lmao you're welcome xD /lh). When they feed on the nectar of flowers, they also carry pollen with them, which they eventually use to pollinate the flowers around the ruins. But depending on how long they've been out, their magic minimally mutates the pollen. It's not too crazy and only shows in a flower bush having flowers in all kinds of colors, or if it's something that'll bear fruits after all, the fruits will have funky colors as well, but are still safe to consume. Because of that, the ruins have become a very vibrant and colorful area. But everything that grew from the mutated pollen of the Buzzers gives off an indetectable smell that makes creatures wary of coming closer to that area.
What Grifix Use Them For:
They don't have a direct use for them, but they are helpful for Grifix as they very much help pollinate flowers and such. Their wings might be used for decorational purposes, but because they are so small, you'd need a lot for that...
The Great Cataclysm:
I am kind of not sure anymore when exactly the Great Cataclysm happened and whether the Buzzers are still living in the Everfree Forest then, but that didn't keep me from thinking what that could've done to them hehe lol
With living in the Everfree Forest, they got hit by the radiation at its fullest. It caused changes in their DNA and they have become even more bright and colorful. Before, they were in one singular color, maybe with a darker shade here and there, but now they can and will have markings in all kinds of varieties. You don't see single-colored Buzzers anymore, they are at least three-colored by now with the craziest markings you can imagine. Sometimes, their wings become unevenly segmented or even get holes like a changeling's wing, but they quickly learn to fly with those anyways.
But the biggest thing has to be that their magic got affected as well. If it mutated pollen just slightly over the course of several days, it greatly mutates pollen in the span of just a few hours now. The ruins have become a bouquet of rainbows now.
If Buzzers pollinate the flowers now, there's no telling what will come of it. It might just the flower changing color, but it could turn into literally anything, any flower, any fruit, any other plant even. The ruins have become a really mutated place now, but the Buzzers are striving within it. The mutations also make other creatures stay away even further and they have literally the last species left to live in the ruins.
Now, the thing is, Buzzers at some point started migrating further North (maybe because of the Cataclysm? IDK), and eventually, a random Herbalist just found a group of Buzzers in their greenhouse. Nobody knows how they got there or where they came from, but they exist and have started building a hive there now.
The possibilities are kinda endless if those Buzzers ended up to be the radiated ones...
Legends and Rumors:
They might have spun tales about where they are coming from, but that's about it.
Submitted By MidnightStar
for The Loveliest Woods V
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 9 months ago