[Lo-W5] Floaties
Do you see what my inspiration for this was? XD
Floaties are little butterflies with just like "half" a butterfly wing. They have a round upper part of the wings and then a long tail for the lower part. There is no lower part in itself if you were to compare it to another butterfly.
Their body parts (minus the wings) seem to be separated from each other, but that is only an illusion. Both the head and the feelers are connected, but the neck and base of the feelers are just 100% see-through and non-reflective. That's what causes the effect of the head seemingly floating in the air.
When they fly, they leave a glitter trail behind. The air sparkles for a moment then, before the glitter disappears.
The upper part of the wings are usually very colorful and feature 5 colors at the least. Usually they sport more like 7 colors or more. They are usually very vibrant and often mimic a rainbow. The wing colors can also appear in any type of markings or shapes.
The wing tail is usually in the color that's in the bottom left of the upper wing and fades into a darker shade of that color towards the tip of the tail.
The body itself is usually a dark or muddy brown.
These lil butterflies live in forests, but prefer lighter forests over thicker ones. They are also very resistant to temperature changes and climates.
However, in colder areas (such as the Crystal North or sometimes even further north), you will only see them fly around in groups, making sure that their glitter trail falls on fellow Floaties. Grifix are sure that that's what keeping the Floaties warm in the cold areas.
They are diurnal, so they usually retreat to narrow spaces in either trees or rocks to sleep during the night.
Floaties mostly consume the nectar and pollen of flowers, but they also try to snatch an LBE's egg if they manage to. Sometimes, they also slurp any liquids from berries. The more colorful the berry, the more likely it is to attract a Floa.
When it comes to LBEs, Floaties have to be lucky because sometimes, LBEs lay their eggs pretty close to the surface and Floaties then use their long proboscis to snatch it out of the water. Then, they pierce the outer shell and slurp the magic from inside. They can tell just by touch whether a new LBE is going to hatch from that egg or not and will always eat the "failed" eggs. They ignore the fertilized eggs if the hatching process has progressed too far already, but will still eat fertilized eggs in its early stages.
The singular is "Floa", not "Floatie" or "Floaty", because while "Floaty" would technically be right, it just looks ew. Just as "Floatie" btw. So, a singular member of this species is called "Floa", still pronounced as the "Floa" in "Floaties" or "float". Cubs usually call them "flo-a".
reproduction and aging:
Floaties reproduce the same way as butterflies and lay tiny eggs on the underside of leaves. They don't care too much about which plant they use, but the eggs are normally found on the leaves of the Everfree trees.
what Grifix have been able to find out about them
What Grifix Use Them For:
how Grifix make use of them
Legends and Rumors:
legends and rumors surrounding that species
Submitted By MidnightStar
for The Loveliest Woods V
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago