Grifixverse lore III: Time and Macroverse
Hello and welcome petty mortals, Andromeda the Great and Amazing here! What, huh? You expected Mortina or Sol? Who the hell are those? Hell if I care, not my problem, I bet I'm more amazing anyway SO PRAISE ME!!! I shall tell you how this freaking universe works!!
As I assume you know, the two alicorn sisters, Luna and Celestia, are actually physical traps for the goddess of destruction! This universe mostly has only three godly entities: the god of existence, the goddess of creation and the goddess of destruction. Everything else represents just parts of these. Up till now we weren't sure about time though, but now we're pretty sure that the time falls into the goddess of destruction’s expertise. Now listen!
First I’ll explain the time, and then the way alicorns can control astral objects.
So why is the time part of ‘destruction’? Well here it is: everything that is created has a life, but because everything has to die, that life has a limited time. Therefore, every object has a time of it’s own and is slowly approaching death, or destruction. Therefore, time is just the approaching of death. A general time doesn’t exist, but every single thing has its own time. All times have the same length, they just run at different speeds.
So that’s how time works. Got it mortal?!
Now… I said that a general time doesn’t exist, but there is something that can be considered close to that and that is the ‘matter time’. As you probably know everything is made out of matter and there is a certain quantity of matter in the universe, that pretty much doesn’t change, even if the things composed of matter may die or be created. Now this matter, also has a time, for it is a “thing” as well. And that could be considered a general time, even if the things it composes have their own individual time.
Now what about the two sisters controlling the sun and the moon?
Well, as we know the universe is formed of things orbiting other things, forming galaxies, galaxy clusters and so on. All is spinning around something! There are planets, they have gravity and all. But then how can they control them? Why must they control them? The universe works perfectly on it's own!!
Well this story starts a bit before the birth of the two sisters, when the goddess of destruction was imprisoned. There was a short time between that and the birth of the two sisters. When she was imprisoned, her magic suffered too, not being able to reach that far as powerful as before. Basically, the living beings on Earth kept living at the same speed as before but the planet and the rest of the universe were considerably slowed down. So the Earth was still spinning, but too slow, so the unicorns were forced to use their magic to speed up the Earth’s time and “move the sun”. When the two sisters were born, the Goddess was trapped inside of them so they could much easily make use of her magic and control the time of the two astral objects. There were also some stories that specified that Luna could place the stars on the sky or something like that. So they can also control other astral objects, not just the Earth and the Moon.
This kind of process can also be done in reverse by them, moving the astral objects backwards.
What about the seasons? Those still seem to be normal. That’s because while speeding up the time of the earth to make a 180 degree turn, it also accelerates the turn around the Sun. But they still need a push so that’s why the ponies seem to be changing the seasons somewhat manually.
If you look at Akasha's design, you can see that she’s half white and half black. That is actually the way she looks after she breaks out of the alicorns’ bodies (that happens waaay in the future so don’t worry). Even though she has been split into hundreds of alicorns at that point, the most significant ones, and the ones she spent the most time in are Luna and Celestia. And that left it’s mark on her, that’s why half of her body looks like Celestia and half like Luna.
Another thing I’d like to say is that, idk how it goes into the FiM universe, but in the grifixverse Luna and Celestia don’t die after retiring. They are still immortal and live until the end of time, along with all the alicorns.
Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 2 years ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago