Stories of the Stars: Drakon II

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The sound of the fire accompanied the giggles of the children. An old healer approached the fire, and with the light coming from below whispered:

‘Whooooo wants to hear the story of the great King Titan?’

Titan was a legendary king that all grifix knew the name of. Fillies included. Still, Drakon hadn’t heard his story yet. Even though he usually kept his distance from other fillies, he approached the fire along with the others this time.

All the fillies gathered close around the fire, visually curious and eager to hear the story.

‘Oh, should I take this as a yes? Hey, carefully, don’t burn your whiskers!’ The healer said, pushing back a filly that got a bit too close to the fire. ‘Well... not that it matters, for the story I shall tell might make them fall off anyway! 

Well, kids, do you know who Titan was?’


‘He was a king!’


‘Well yeah, of course, but what a king he was! There hasn’t been since a king to rise up even close to his level! He was so powerful that they said that he carried the strength of all six First Warriors in his gems!’ Said full of passion the healer. ‘And perhaps... even the strength of the seventh one...’ the healer whispered so that only the children up close could hear.


‘Wooooow’ the kids’ grew quiet now, and they all stood still around the fire, mesmerized by the healer’s words.


‘Well, you most probably know all that already. So shall I start the actual story...


There were dark times in the tribe back then. The First Warriors’ power comes from the trust and belief of the living grifix... but back then the living grifix started getting farther from the First Warriors’ Will. They lost the rage and hope to find the Village. They lived their lives carelessly, ignoring The Priestess and the First Warriors. And that angered them!

So that’s when a new king was born. Despite him being just a helpless baby, they said you could feel the power radiating from him, it felt like if you would touch him you would burn to a crisp! And his magic was so strong as you might even catch glimpses of his sphirix with the naked eye!’


‘Wow, is that true?’ A little filly asked with her eyes opened wide.


‘Well... that’s what the legend says... but what follows is definitely true!


A young King was born. The Priestess took him with her and raised him as her own, keeping him closed in her tent, so he wouldn’t be influenced by the misbelief of the other grifix. When he turned 13, the Grifix in the tribe had a revolt against the First Warriors. They went up to the priestess and told her that they didn’t want to follow the First Warriors’ Will anymore. They asked her to step down from the Tribe leadership. They wanted to live on their own, without the influence of any divinity.

The Priestess got mad, and she told them that they wouldn’t resist without a god, not even a few days! But they didn’t listen to her and the revolt went on. 

That’s when Titan came out for the first time. He saw the daring of those grifix, trying to take down the gods that raised him. And he got mad. He stepped on a rock above them and shouted so loud as the trees around the camp trembled. All grifix quieted down, surprised by the new grifix standing in front of them. They looked up at him and saw endless anger in his eyes. The sky above them started to burn with flames that covered the whole vault of the heavens. And the stars fell from the sky, burning the ground when they hit! A soul born only from the First Warriors’ Will, that was the grifix standing before them! And his sphirix fell ravishing from the sky, burning everything in his path! No grifix dared to speak a word, for now they could see what the First Warriors could really do.

From that day, he became the king of the Tribe, and under him all grifix prospered like never before. But if one dared to face him… they would most certainly meet their doom.

One day, his reign was over, but the grifix didn’t dare ever since to doubt the will of the First Warriors. And you should know as well, that as long as we believe in them and pursue their will, we will live happily and won’t be in need of anything.’


Soon, the children around the fire went all to their tents, whispering to each other about the awesomeness of King Titan. But Drakon saw something different. He was overwhelmed by a desire, that to become just as feared among the future generations as King Titan. And even more, he wanted his name to never be forgotten, and to eclipse Titan’s name. He wanted all grifix to remember him, and to forget about Titan. That’s when he swore to himself, that he would find the Village, and kill Queen Starla. He’ll find a place among the heavens, above the First Warriors, above all Gods. His name shall never be forgotten.

Stories of the Stars: Drakon II
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Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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