EMP-202: Ash Wind

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Tailors Guild Headmaster Assistant
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

He is one of Velvet's two  assistants the other being Stellar Dust, his cousin. He is really good at making clothes and does great designs.

Bonks his cousin every time she gets too crazy. 

He is a pretty calm guy. It's pretty peaceful around him, especially if you compare it to being around Stellar Dust. That's why his other cousin, Muddy Rain, moved with him as she couldn't bare to be around her sister anymore. Aside from Muddy Rain, he also lives with a male called Stardust.

In their childhood, him, Velvet Sky and Moonbath were best friends and always together. As he was born part of the Tailors' Guild, and Moonbath was forced to join it due to his religious duties, it may be possible that Velvet wanted to join too just to not be left out.

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