EMP-208: Angelfox

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

She has two sisters, both of them from another father, Akuma and Swamp Storm. Their mother was part of the Starfell Clan but was found to have cheated on her husband and made another egg while Angelfox was still in the egg, and she got banned from the Clan. She then joined the Starfell Clan, in the Red Moon underguild, which is an underguild that has a lot of connections with the Starfell Clan, and is believed to be ran behind the scenes by the Starfell Clan leader. Because of that, Angelfox was allowed to see her sister, Akuma. She grew to love her sister and begged the Starfell Clan's elders to allow her to return to the Clan, even if she had impure blood. They eventually approved under the condition that Angelfox would marry her sister (I remind you that the Starfell Clan practices incest, but most yougsters from the clan hate being forced into such arranged marriages against their will. Still, a marriage between siblings is not normal even for the clan, and it was clear that the Clan enders forced them into it as an inhumane punishment). Angelfox despised the idea, but approved in order to get her sister out of the Entertainers Guild, and the marriage was simply formal, they did everything to prove they were not lovers. They never ended up completing the marriage, as the clan treated them horribly because Akuma was not a pure blood, and one day they decided to leave the Clan, but there was no other choice for them than to join the Entertainers' Guild, for every other guild didn't accept Starfell Grifix. That's how they ended up back in the Entertainers' Guild. They joined a different house than their mother, because they did not want to have anything to do with the Clan anymore. They broke off their engagement, but rumours about it escaped outside of their entertainment house. Sometimes, some clients keep asking intrusive questions about it, and it's clear to them that the client wants to find out they are still secret lovers, treating them like some weird circus animal. Then they sometimes put on an act that will please the client and make them pay them more. They feel as if they're scamming the client so they don't mind doing it.

Her other sister, Swamp Storm, was born a few years later from the same father as Akuma. Angelfox isn't too close to her, but Akuma has a pretty good sister relationship with her.

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