EMP-265: Sweet Ivy

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
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  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Rank
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age

She was the older sister of Mantis. She was married to Hawkflight and together they had Fallen Grasslands. Still, those two were always more friends than lovers and their relationship was very strange. They soon drifted appart, and especially after Mantis' death they were no longer a thing.

Ivy was angry after Mantis' death, but unlike most she was and still is angry at Mantis, not the grifix who killed him. She seems to have insight on the actual situation surrounding his death but she refuses to tell anyone the truth. She stopped going pout as much as before since his death and she's barely to be seen nowdays.

When they were young, Ivy, Hawkflight and Su were best of friends. Mantis used to also be part of their group but he wasn't close to any and had a distant attitude towards them.

Ivy always acted like an older sister to Mantis and took a lot of responsability in tutoring him. Now that he's gone she seems to redirect such behavior onto Hawkflight and Su, mostly Hawkflight.

She cares not for her child, Fallen Grasslands being completely raised by Hawkflight and Su. It's unsudre wether Fallen even knows ivy is her mother.

Sweet Ivy mostly specializes in plant magic study. She once used to be quite involved with the guild's administration, and even replaced Hawkflight in one of the Scholar Underguilds meetings. It did not end well. 

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