EMP-447: Ketelhan

Owned by Dawn-n-Night
  • Name
  • Shape
    Western Dragon
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
He was born to a rich Starfallen family and started out as just a normal grifix cub and he was beautiful. His parents adored him and would show him off to fellow grifix. One day after his sphirix had settled, he woke up to his bed covered in his own fur and hair, he rushed to a mirror and what he saw horrified him. His fur was coming off in clumps in certain spots and in place..were golden scales. 
He tried to hide this from his parents, because if they saw what was happening to him they would surely reject him. Yet, it became harder and harder to hide his abnormality when more of his fur fell off and was replaced by golden scales, eventually his parents found out and they were horrified. They called him a monster and promptly kicked him to the streets. He was heartbroken, their words striking deep wounds in his heart. 
He wore a large cloak, but once his horn grew in he couldn't wear it properly. He stuck to the shadows and alleyways of the Starfallen neighbourhood, afraid that if he was spotted he would be captured and studied. He turned to a life of thievery, breaking into rich-looking homes and stealing valuables, then selling whatever he obtained. 
His transformation didn't end.
His one wing fell off, and the other began twisting into a dragon wing, it was extremely painful and so he had to bite the bullet and find some sketchy doctor to amputate the wing. His front leg also grew and changed into a dragon leg, it doesn't hurt as much as his wing did but he does walk with a limp because of anatomical differences. He came to learn that he could breathe fire, he wasn't good at it and could only produce short bursts. He mostly used this to scare off other grifix if they got too close. Rumours started of the Starfallen neighbourhood harbouring a real dragon because of sparce glimpses of his appearance.
He became panicked as the rumours spread and fled to the entertainment district. It wasn't ideal, but the abundant presence of yokai gave him a comfort that he would be overlooked. So he continued his life of petty thievery there, stealing from well-off looking homes. 
One night he snuck into a home hoping to find some scraps to steal and sell, however he hadn't noticed that the owner was home. As he snatched a small statue of a dragon, he heard someone call out. 
"Hello..? Is..someone there?"
He froze in place, his head whipping around to spy who had intruded on him. In the darkness he saw a young female grifix exiting a bedroom. Her hair was woven reaching the floor and she wore a flowing gown, a dragon tail poked out beneath it. She looked absolutely beautiful from what little he could see, however she moved towards a lantern, intending on lighting it. He panicked, but in his panic a burst of fire escaped him. A carpet caught on fire and rapidly spread throughout the living room. The young female grifix screamed, sending him into more panic. He fled the home as the fire grew, eventually consuming the whole home. Once he was far enough away he skidded to a halt and swung around, staring at the destruction he had caused. *He- He hadn't meant it!* He decided he could not stay in the district, he would sooner or later be found out and either be incarcerated..or much worse. 
He fled once more, to where? No one knows. It isn't even known if he is still alive all these years. The rumours did not end though, and changed into a story of a dragon killing one of the most beloved entertainers. That entertainer having been the grandmother of Lady Byakko, though no one knows this. She still believes he is out there, and has been searching for him ever since she found out about what happened.