TRIBE-124: Rust

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Grifix of the Starfell Clan
  • Location
    The Lost Tribe
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Birthday
    7th of December
  • Sexuality

Rust was born in the Starfell Clan, under the patronage of Quick Mouse. 
She is a very kind and helpful grifix, would always jump up to help with whatever there might be. She is attracted to mystery and unknown, but her curiosity is somehow restrained by her status. She is a bit strange since she has a very bright personality yet she is attracted to dark stuff and even gives off a strange dark aura.

She is the daughter of one of Freezing Sun's sisters, Freezing Rose. Their bloodline were some of the proudest grifix in the Starfell Clan. They claimed to be the most "pure", and they were the "rightful" leaders of the Starfell Clan. That is why when Freezing Rose was found to have an affair with a healer, they kicked her out of the clan, erased her name from all records and demanded that it would be forgotten. Freezing Rose is the name she took when she became a healer, but that didn't last long for she was soon found poisoned in her tent.

Rust was very young back then, and doesn't remember much. She was adopted by Freezing Sun and betrothed to Freezing's son, Sun. The two were absurdly closely related, even for the Starfell Clan. The family however, claimed that it was to mantain the purity of their blood, which had been "threatened" by her mother's actions.

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