[Lo-W2] The Zamari Wolves

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Credit: CrystalIzzy77

Background: The Zamari Wolves lives in the caves near the Lost Tribe camping grounds. At night you can sometimes hear them howling at the moon when it’s a full moon. These wolves are gentle creatures and sometimes come near the camp to check out the interesting camp and the grifixes living there. Sometimes they come in and the tribe get scared because of how they are the size of a normal wolf, but they are big and a bit taller than a normal sized grifix, but the cubs sometimes go towards them and the wolves act like big playful puppies, not wanting to scare the grifixes of their appearance. They have a Chief that is the leader of the pack, the Chief being the only one that can talk. He met the tribe and decided to trade with them their wolf skin whenever it’s time for them to shed their winter coats in exchange for protection if other creatures decide to hunt them down as well as meat from when the warrior grifixes go hunting for fresh meat to eat. Their wolf skin and fur or soft and the grifix use their coats for winter clothing, capes, blankets, or fur for cub toys. Sometimes when the wolves pass away, they let the grifix take the skulls of their dead to use as decorations or even masks if they do choose to use real bone skulls instead of a wooden mask at times. They also ask the tribe’s clothes makers to help make their vests or anything that they need as far as their outfits go in exchange for their skin, fur and skulls as well. 


Mating ritual: The female lays on her side as the male lays behind her, intertwining their tails and letting their ears touch while pressing their noses together, the two laying their for a while before the male gets up and lays on top of the female and groom the top of her head as a sign as the ritual being over, the females being able to give birth to around 5-6 wolf pups per litter.


Diet: They eat fresh killed meat that they hunt for but also the meat the grifix trade with them in exchange for their winter coats. They eat rabbits, mice, some birds but not many, as well as sometimes they fish for fish in small streams and ponds.


Babies: Pups stay with their mother for 6 to 8 weeks before being able to join their fellow wolves. Pups have more fur than adults do when they are first born as protection in case predators decide to attack. The pups play together near the nursery but also they go watch the older wolves do their tasks.


Adults: At the 6 month range, they are considered adults and get to choose which position they wish to join in the pack. There are 4 different positions in the pack, each with special tasks:


Hunters- They go and hunt for the pack and also go and patrol the packs cave territory for intruders. They wear a makeshift vest that holds small daggers if needed.


Healers- They go and hunt for herbs and special flowers to make into medicine if the elders need tending to, pups come down with colds, and if any wolf gets injured in battle. They wear a crown of flowers on their head.


Patrollers- They are Zamari wolves that go out on patrols with the group of hunters as protection while they hunt, marking the territory and battling enemies. They wear armored vests and sometimes wear helmets at times.


The Chief’s regiment- These wolves have a special role in the pack. They protect the Chief with their lives and go out on special missions that the Chief orders them to do. They wear special robes made out of feathers.

Uses: Their fur and skin are used in grifix clothing as well as their skulls for masks. They also protect the grifix as they made an alliance with them as well as trading things.

[Lo-W2] The Zamari Wolves
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In 4. Character Art
Credit: CrystalIzzy77
No description provided.

Submitted By CrystalIzzy77 for The Loveliest Woods IILocation: The Lost Tribe
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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