[Lo-W2] Creating an animal species challenge
Meowamp, a type of feline mammal living in the everfree forest.
-Fur is waterproof and upon touch, feels oily.
- come in all shapes and sizes and colors. The common color is brown, yet all of them share the same yellow-colored eyes with constricted pupils.
- Have thick and long eyelashes that help protect eyes when diving.
-in between paws there is a layer of skin that helps with swimming.
- The nose and ears are to close when they dive. They can be in the water for 5 minutes at most before their oxygen is used up.
-Two pairs of ears with whiskers. The end of the whiskers has little orb-like structures that function similarly to the grifixes' light orbs. It regrows and falls off like any other grifixes.
-stays in the water for approximately 14 hours a day. Carnivorous creatures. Eats fish and other water creatures. But when winter they will hunt for living creatures such as Everlush birds that are small and easy to store for food.
-builds a nest-like structure using sticks. All surviving population resides in the same place together.
-during spring solstice, these creatures will try and pick up any fallen light beans from themselves and follows the grifixes to donate these to the green orb. It is unsure why they do that. It is shown that they are attracted to the orb when most of them move towards the orb during the period when it shines the brightest.
-they don’t have a mating ritual and mates like normal animals do. One female can have many males fighting over her for offspring. One female can give birth to 4 kittens in a period of 4 months. Kittens are born without the tail that helps with swimming and the light orbs on whiskers.
-they are only discovered by the grifixes during spring solstice so they are often called the faerie of the orb. So most grifixes show respect to these little creatures when they meet them near the orb.
-some meowamp may mutate and grow light beans anywhere on their body. Other mutations are known like having an extra fluffy tail that disables swimming and having weaker eyesight.
Submitted By Emizu_TH
for The Loveliest Woods II
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago