Walking part 1
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" The little deer said stepping over a huge branch.
"If we be back in time for dinner, it is" Army, the purple Grifx was positive he knew what he was saying.
Almost positive. He kept walking forward, sure of what he might find. He saw it yesterday, so why would it be gone today? He shook his head.
Stop thinking like that. It's there!
He was so sure that it was there. It had to be, or...
He stopped and looked around. He saw deer do the same.
there it was again but coming from a different way. What-?
It flew passed his head. He ducked. And ran forward. And didn't stop to look what it was but he looked if deer was following. She wasn't. She got hit.
He stopped mid run.
No she can't be.
He ran towards where deer was laying. But he to fight the thing that hit deer. He ducked and swing at it. It was moving to fast for him to see what was. He ducked again and when he came back he was knocked off his hooves and into a big tree.
His vision blurred and he was sure that a earthquake was happening. He looked up from the ground to see a black horse with a black cape.
"W-what do y-' but before he could finish he blacked out.
Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago