Pumpkin Pie!
- Greetings, mate! Isn't the weather is perfect today? I hope it will last till the end of the Great Harvest Holiday, i don't want some rain spoil it. So, what did you want? I have a lot of assortment! pumpkin pies, pumpkin cookies, pumpkin juice... Oh? You want to know the recipe of pumpkin pie? Hehe, sure!
first is ingridients:
you can take a little bit more of sugar for dough tho
First we take a small pumpkin (the size of a basketball or so) and cut it into slices. Some of the slices we can put aside, they will still be useful to us.
We clean the pumpkin slices from the skin, cut them into cubes and throw them into a pot and pour a little water so that it does not burn, cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
(all my small pots were full, so I had to take the big one, but that's okay hehe)
While the pumpkin is basking in the infernal cauldron, we'll do the dough.
Sift the flour through a sieve so that the dough is light and airy, add pieces of melted butter (it is better to cut it smaller so that it melts faster and becomes easier to crush in the future)
After that add sugar and two eggs (don't forget to wash them properly! Salmonella enterica will not miss its chance to get into your body!)
After we quickly knead the dough, wrap it in a blanket in the form of cling film and send it to rest in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.
While the dough is chilling in the refrigerator, the pumpkin souffle is almost ready!
Put the pieces of stewed pumpkin in a blender (without liquid), bring the mass to the state of puree. Add condensed milk, egg and cinnamon (i also added an orange zest, but if you will do this too, better add this while pumpkin is still stewing). Mix until smooth.
When everything is ready, take the dough from the refrigerator and put it in a baking dish (if it's not made of glass like mine, don't forget to grease it with butter), in the form of a base cake, forming the sides.
Pour the pumpkin-milk-ish mixture on the base.
Next, put our future pie in the preheated oven and bake it for 15 minutes at 200 degrees. Reduce the temperature to 170 degrees, wait for another 30-35 minutes.
Aaaand, it's done! Bon appetite!
- Hope this recipe will help you to bake your own pumpkin pie! Ah, by the way, while you still here, i have another thing for you. Now you need a drink to match your pie! In order not to detain you any longer, I will tell you briefly.
Remember other pumpkin slices we kept for something? Let's make a pumpkin juice out of it!
The mass of ingredients depends on the size of the pot you will use, but if what, you can always taste it and add what is missing if necessary.
- Just like in the recipe for pumpkin pie, peel the pumpkin slices, cut them into cubes and put them in a pot
- Fill the pot with pumpkin pieces with water so that they sink, and cook over low heat.
- Add the zest and juice of an orange or an apple juice, you can also use lemon.
- When the pumpkin is cooked, use an immersion blender to grind the pieces until smooth.
- Add sugar and more water, otherwise the juice will be too thick. If desired, you can add citric acid.
- When you mix, put it back on the fire, bring to a boil, then cook the juice for 3-5 minutes
- Remove from the heat and allow the juice to cool.
Done! don't forget to shake it before you drink it!
oof, sorry if it's long, but i hope you enjoyed!
Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago