Legends of the Sky - Sage: story 2

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Credit: kazoowary - author

It was unbearable. Why is he so weak? If Zephyr and Raven Eye hadn't been there, Silver Wing would have chewed his throat out. It's been a while since Sage said those hurtful words... two days? Or three? Oh, stars, he can't even immediately remember what happened yesterday, let alone this.

      Then he even forgot to thank the Raven for walking him home. He silently ran away like a coward, without saying a word. Wild Raspberry was missing again, no one knew where, because she never tells anyone. She could be anywhere but at home when he needed her.

      «why did i even bother?! stupid... she doesn't even care anymore!»

      Manta was worried about him, asking what was wrong, but who was she anyway? She pretends to be nice and kind, poking her nose everywhere, asking every griffix in the village if they need help, although there is nothing good for it except to strum her strange instrument, which she bought from that creepy doe with the same creepy boar mask. Manta is kind for everyone, except Raspberry.

      When his sister finally appeared, of course Manta told her that something had happened. Sage clearly remembers how sarcastically she commented on her absence. Even she understood...

      Sage wouldn't let her in. He told her to leave. He didn't want to see anyone. Stupid Raspberry... She swore that she would never leave him, that she would always be there for him... Liar. Liar! Why do you stay at the door every evening and night? you want to pretend kind, too?

      So he was locked up for several days and basically practically did not eat or drink anything, bringing his already precarious health to an even worse state. His fur was dull and matted, and the bags under his eyes were bigger and darker from nights without sleep. Sage didn't even want to see what he'd become. All the while, he remembered the pain and rage, like the sharp spikes that had made Silver Wing's delicate eyes so deadly. He remembered how Zephyr looked at him and the kindness of the Raven. And he remembered his filthy words. What right did he even have to say that, he himself has no father, no mother, and now even no sister.

       «i want you to die as you should have when you were born»

      Even his sphirix was gone. He could still see the flow of magic, like a thread binding them tightly together, but he couldn't see Lungwort itself. But when she appeared, he could see small scars, from which a faint "steam" was coming, all over her body. It was scary, but before he could focus on it, Lungwort would disappear again.

      He didn't want anyone to see him, and he didn't want Silver Wing to see him in particular.

      But now that the hunger and boredom had become unbearable, he sneaked out. He didn't want any of the adults or his sister to see him and ask him what had happened.

      Sage decided to go hunting. Something he'd never been able to do, and he didn't want to. It was a pity to eat animals like him, fragile and defenseless. But right now, he wanted to step over himself and do it. For Silver Wing.
     However, the hunt was not given to him in any way. He did not want to go to a mean trick and lure a mouse or a bird with a gentle voice and then kill it, as if he thought he was the owner of this forest and had the right to do this to animals, even if not as intelligent as he was, but also having their precious lives. They should live. Does he should to live?

      «Sage» the kind voice he always recognizes from a thousand called out to him. Raven crawled out of the bushes behind him. Sage wanted to sink into the ground.

      «i'm sorry...» that was his greeting, but he didn't dare raise his head and turn around.

      «For what?» Raven Eye came closer, and although Sage wanted to keep his distance, wanted a boy as bright and sparkling as a star to approach such a nonentity, a weakling and a crybaby, he did not move.

      «for that... i didn't say thank you» Sage only glanced at Raven for a moment, and his heart fluttered. He was so kind and sweet, that the cub did not put it in his head at all how he still talks to a weakling like him.

      «Sage, we don't hold a grudge against you» Raven tried to catch his eye, but Sage successfully hid his eyes. He didn't want him to see him like, «What are you doing here alone?»

      Sage only now realized that he hadn't noticed how he left the village. not so far away that he could get scared and get lost, but enough to make the cub with the lilac fur start to get nervous.

      «i... i-i wanted to catch something for her...» he barely managed. It was more like the death rattle of an old mouse. The words were hard to come by, he was very thirsty.

      «Let me help you» Raven Eye said in a tone that made Sage think that can't refuse anyway. And in his position, could he refuse to help at all? He was grateful that the cute little star named Raven Eye was so kind to him and didn't ask any questions. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about what he'd done. Sage felt that Raven Eye had forgiven him, but did so Silver Wing as well?

      Soon, the two of them managed to catch a vole and a finch. It was mostly Raven's help, Sage hadn't been able to kill them himself. But even so, he enjoyed the hunt.. no, he enjoyed spending time with the star boy. He felt so light-hearted. Raven Eye had even taught him what the Captain or his own sister could not. They always talked so much and incomprehensibly that Sage can't quite remember it all. But with Raven, he finally figured it out. And with him, it was not at all scary to be away from the village.
     When they finally returned to the village, all the lightness was gone. Raven Eye saw Sage stiffen and hesitate, and rubbed his cheek reassuringly. A wave of goosebumps ran through the cub's body and he finally looked at him. The boy smiled and handed him the finch he was carrying.

       «Look, Silver Wing is coming» Raven waved his tail in the direction of a young female who was walking past the warriors' tents. For the first time in days, Sage saw her. Flower girl... no, the vixen girl certainly looked better than he did, but she was just as depressed, and it hurt that he was making her feel bad.

      Sage gathered his courage and went to her. His legs were like a rag, they didn't obey him, and he could hear his joints creaking.

       «S-ss-silver...» he tried to call out to the white-coated cub, but his dry tongue was slurred, as if sand had been put in his mouth.

      Silverwing noticed him, and Sage expected her to attack him again, try to scratch his eyes out, or ignore him altogether and walk away, but she just stood there. Her expression turned stony, and Sage couldn't figure out what she was thinking right now.
     Sage silently showed her the vole and the finch, and lowered his head as if in a bow. He couldn't look her in the eye after what he'd done, and especially when she was looking at him like that...

      «sorry... i caught this vole and finch for you and Zephyr. i didn't mean to...» he spoke softly, but it couldn't get any louder. The faintness returned to his body, the smell of pray and blood hit him again, and he felt sick.

      Sage forced himself to look at her, and the vixen girl's face remained the same, except for a twitch of her ear that told him she was surprised.

      Silverwing was silent for what seemed like an eternity, but before Sage could begin to panic, she said with firmness in her voice:

     «I forgive you.»

      Taking the finch and the vole with her magic, she prepared to leave. It was as if a stone had fallen from Sage's shoulders. He remained in this submissive position for a few more seconds before exhaling softly and straightening up, but he didn't dare open his eyes.
     Sage didn't know if she had really forgiven him. But at least it was enough for him that she knew he was sorry. Would he be able to forgive that?..

      «she've forgiven you.. forgave... no.. forgiven you, no, no... forgave you...»

      Sage twitched his ear and finally opened his eyes. Did someone say something? However, there was no one else nearby. Silverwing was gone, silent as a ghost.

Legends of the Sky - Sage: story 2
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In Literature
Credit: kazoowary: author
Content Warning: TW: slight suicidal thoughts
No description provided.

Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 7 months ago

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[Legends of the Sky - Sage: story 2 by kazoowary (Literature) ・ **Content Warning:** TW: slight suicidal thoughts](https://grifixverse.com/gallery/view/2155)
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