[Lo-W3] The Starbeam Poppy

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Credit: CrystalIzzy77

Location and background: The Starbeam poppy grows near the Lost Tribe and it’s very hard to find, but the best way to find it is during a shooting star. Legend has it that this plant was born from a shooting star that fell from the sky and into the dirt, giving off a bright light beam as the rain was used to make the seed grow. This plant isn’t poisonous. The plant can be found and have its seeds broken off to grow more of them, but the grifixes have to be well known of this plant in order for it to not die. 


Appearance: The poppy looks like a star that has fallen from the sky, it has a glow to it and when plucked it’s light will dim slowly. It comes in a bright yellow and white color to look like the bright stars in the sky.


Medical Uses: Due to this plant not being poisonous, the grifixes use this plant for healing properties. The petals and roots have different purposes for medicine.

The Petals: The petals on this flower are fragile, but when crushed up into a fine powder it can be put into many things. Some sprinkle the powder into water or any drink for the sick grifix to drink. The healing properties of the petals are that it can help with headaches and nausea, the grifixes drinking a drink with the powder will help clear it up within a few days. They put the powder into a drink because the powder on its own tastes disgusting, and when the powder is put into the drink it makes the drink glow while they drink it.

The Roots: If the grifix want to use the roots of the plant for medical purposes the plant must be kept in a bowl of water and some dirt when it is picked so the roots can grow out and be big enough to break up and crush into powder. The roots are the most common thing used from this plant for creams and ointments. This part of the plant helps with sore bones and open wounds, being a common medicine given to the elderly grifix to help with your weak bones but also to warriors that get wounded in battle. The cream and ointments glow when applied to the wounds or sore areas. 

Other Uses: Now some grifix decide to use this plant to put into their hair as an accessory, but if the tribe is in desperate need of the plant the grifix must give up the plant in order for it to be used for medicine. The main grifix that wear this flower are usually healers so they can quickly take it out of their hair, but some other grifix use it as well.

[Lo-W3] The Starbeam Poppy
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In 4. Character Art
Credit: CrystalIzzy77
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Submitted By CrystalIzzy77 for The Loveliest Woods IIILocation: The Lost Tribe
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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