[Lo-W3] Solaris Flower/ Drug

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Credit: RubyNoble1

Name: Solaris

Nickname: Sun Killer

Ability: {Hostile} - Passive





Chewing at the root causes the grifix to have a dangerous spike in blood pressure. Giving a “high” to the grifix chewing the root. The reaction that chewing the root has the ability to pressure the heart into producing more blood faster, and as the blood rushes to the brain it gives the “high”. This causes the brain to be addicted to it, it also affects the mind to be more violent and depressed when not taking the root regularly. Another symptom is it slightly affects the part of the brain with recognizing people since it shrinks it and reduces blood flow to that area and around it.



The flower is beautiful and enticing but is extremely poisonous. A whiff of the flower's scent can cause a headache, and more time spent smelling it causes arrhythmias in the heart. The flower smells sweet and intoxicating.

: Brewed Tea:

If a grifix manages to brew the tea from the petals of the flower. The tea will produce an aroma that is sweet and intoxicating. The taste is sweet and delicious. However, this tea is like poison and will burn through the intestines of the body and stomach as well, causing internal bleeding and most severely death. However before it kills the user, it produces hallucinations, and strong ones at that.



This drug was found most recently when Mantis had found it and wanted to experiment on it. This was because he had noticed from afar that whenever animals would eat the flower or chew part of it, they would have after-affects of intoxication and fall dead. He wanted to study the reason why, however, he was forbidden and due to this, he studied the plant in secret. Eventually meeting with Purple Haze and giving her some root to study the effects of it. However, he only gave the root because his past experiments with the root failed for smaller mammals. Therefore after giving it to her, she had the desired effects, and he would continue bringing her the root and she would chew on it. However, this went far one day when she was on the brink of going crazy over not taking it because Matis at some point became too scared and didn’t bring her the drug. She ended up killing Mantis over the roots. She is now in prison.

[Lo-W3] Solaris Flower/ Drug
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In 4. Character Art
Credit: RubyNoble1
Content Warning: Drug
No description provided.

Submitted By RubyNoble1 for The Loveliest Woods IIILocation: The Crystal Empire
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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