[Lo-W3] Rainshower Tree
The Watershower Tree
The Watershower Tree can be found in the Kelpie Keep region in the Forest of Leota (mysterious south). This tree displays its leaves in the form of water, as they are affected by Kelpie’s magic. It's a magnificent view as you can see streams of water flowing down the tree, and the water is drinkable. The tree leaves colors are changeable with magic, hence sometimes when huge events occur, grifixes can use their magic to change the colors.
This tree is already 1000 years old, the tree itself is enormous and its roots spread far and wide. There is a legend in the form of a poem for this tree:
Once there was a lady who cried
Her tears flowed
Until it falls onto the ground
Her love reaches deep down
Hoping it reaches her love
That she misses dearly
In the ground
A seed roared to life
Fueled by ire
Nurtured with her woe
It grows
The story
Years go by
The tree grew large
And without warning
Blue replaced Greens
Rain replaced Breeze
As if
All emotions rained down
Showering the land
The Rainshower Tree
The poem is discovered one day on a stone right beside the tree. It is unknown who leave and write it there. This small, insignificant poem about two souls shall be remembered by those who read it, however. The legend of this tree is spread wide and used as a lesson to “love and spend time with the ones you love”.
Submitted By Emizu_TH
for The Loveliest Woods III
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago