Fire Plant

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Credit: Dawn-n-Night

-It's quite a big creeper plant

-It is mostly found wrapped around the trunk of trees

-its pollen has the appearance of little flames and do produce a small amount of heat and glow in the dark

-the petals have a small amount of luminosity in them

-The petal colours go from a deep orange to yellow, the pollen is like flames, the stem and leaves are a lighter green/almost yellow

-A fireproof plant that Trifix could practically use? Well...candles are very prominent with Trifix so maybe these flowers could be used as mats. Picking the petals and placing em under the candles would solve any potential wildfires

-I also had an idea, maybe if the bees make honey from these plants that honey will always be warm, even in winter? so then trifix keep that special honey for the cold days



Fire Plant
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: Dawn-n-Night
No description provided.

Submitted By Dawn-n-Night
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 11 months ago

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