[Lo-W4] The Lonely Serpent

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Credit: Dawn-n-Night

Species: Serpens giganteus

Status: Functionally extinct

Diet: Whales and larger sea dwelling creatures

Mating behaviour: Unknown

Appearance: Silvery skin and iridescent scales dotted about its body. Fin membranes are white and see-through. Biolumiscent marking go along its side from its face to its tail. Grifix are like an ant to it's size. Its song sounds similar to a whale.

As the year came to an end and the Lost Tribe returned to the shores of the Origin Shores for the new year ahead, a great serpent emerged from the waters. It frightened the tribe for the beast was absolutely massive, but they realized soon it posed no threat to them as it did not even notice them. They watched in awe as the serpent rose its head into the air and let out a woeful cry before flashing biolumniscent scales for a few seconds, then waited. After a minute of silence it repeated the process, but nothing happened. The grifix realised what it must be doing, it was calling for a mate. An hour passed of nothing happening and the serpent returned to the ocean. Year after year as the Tribe returned to the Origin shores, a serpent would rise and sing a song that will never be answered

They never saw another of the same species, it must have been the same serpent that rose each time as it had the same scars and colours and cried the same sounds each year, and so they named it the "Lonely Serpent". 

It became a living legend to them and sometimes they use its scales that wash up on shore as decorations.

[Lo-W4] The Lonely Serpent
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: Dawn-n-Night
No description provided.

Submitted By Dawn-n-Night for The Loveliest Woods IVLocation: The Lost Tribe
Submitted: 11 months agoLast Updated: 11 months ago

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