[Lo-W5] Giant Polar Ants (1)
Name: Giant Polar Ants
Female workers appearance: Stark white to blend in with snow, thin fibers made from keritin cover their bodies that has a similar appearance to fur to keep themselves from freezing. Only the head, pincers and feet aren't covered in the fibers. Four eyes so they can see better. Large pincers that are used to carve out through stone and carry big rocks, feet are sharp so they can grip onto things better. About the same size as polar pigeons.
Males appearance: Slightly bigger than females, abdomen is thinner and longer and their pincers are much smaller. Large wings similar to moth wings they use for flight. Colourful patterns on their wings and back/abdomen that are slightly biolumiscent. Less fluffy.
Diet: Glow Slugs, Meat
Giant Polar Ants live in large colonies in the mountainside of the Frozen North, using their large pincers to carve out big nests for themselves. They behave like normal ant colonies do except for a few exceptions. Female worker ants will actively hunt other animals out in the Frozen North, using large numbers to take down larger prey. They will also gather Glow Slugs which they feed to the queen ant to produce a biolumiscent jelly.
Male ants are solely there to mate with the queen ant, when times are tough and food is scarce they will be kicked out by the female worker ants as they are a waste of space then. They have less protective keratin fur so this usually leads to their deaths.
These ants are a good source of protein and can provide a decently strong/warm armor for grifix to wear, the only problem is taking one down as they are never alone.
One colony has been made a nest inside the mountain of the Frozen Empire, which is causing some issues for the grifix. They arent outwardly hostile to the Empire grifix but it is best not to get too close.
Submitted By Dawn-n-Night
for The Loveliest Woods V
・ Location: The Frozen Empire
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago