[Lo-W6] Daembi
Daembi - the gliders of the forest
This little bug is an alternative way (for now) for the flowers in the forest to spread a huge amount of pollen at once!
- Daembi is a very lightweight and small insect that roams around tall places as they move around by using their gliders. Their main source of food is tree sap. Their body is fluffy and has many small hairs to stick pollen on them as they move from flower bush to flower bush. They aren't efficient though, as they can't fly and can only glide in the air.
- Daembi is usually seen in dark colors to better blend in the forest, their main colors are a deep grey with alternating greens on the body. May have variations like dark blue or a very rare fully white as they can get albinism. They have a life cycle of 1 month.
- They are active during the daytime, as most of the flowers bloom during the day, even if their antennas are bioluminescent.
- These little creatures are very similar to bees actually, except for the fact that they can't fly and reproduce by...... laying their eggs in a bee hive after eating all living beings in it. Of course, that's a nice protein boost for the energy before laying eggs that are as small as a grain of rice.
- As they don't have a "breeding season" and don't live in colonies, they will mate if they meet a partner that they like, and they both die right at the place where the eggs are laid. Each batch of eggs ranges from 20-35 eggs and they hatch in between 7 days to 13 days depending on humidity. The babies that hatch afterward will consume everything in sight. The competition for food is harsh and a small amount of offspring survives.
- For grifixes? They are nothing but harmful insects that need to be purged because they will eventually replace the bees and destroy the balance of the forest. Grifixes kill these critters by submerging them in water as their breathing holes are beneath them. For the beehive, grifixes may just burn the whole nest or by similarly submerge it in water. But some will keep them alive as they spread pollen for rare plants as well.
Submitted By Emizu_TH
for The Loveliest Woods VI
・ Location: The Everfree Village
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago