[Lo-W5] Spiderfly
They lit just came to existence because I thought that the other "spiderfly" didn't fit the idea of a spiderfly lol, especially if we compare the other spiderfly to the batterfly.
Spiderflies have a somewhat 50/50 mixture of a spider's and a butterfly's body. They have a butterfly's head, a rather thin neck and a thicker torso that is more akin to a spider's torso. They also have eight legs and eight eyes (the last pair is kinda not visible in the image lol) and a pair of short feelers. Like a butterfly, they have a long, thin proboscis that curls up to their face when it's not needed. But they also have tiny fangs in addition that can be retracted.
Their wings have roughly the general shape of a butterfly's wing, with an upper and a lower part. They have the structure and texture of a spider's web. The inner parts of the web are actually filled with a very thin membrane that is completely see-through (the opacity is 10% maximum).
Their colors are completely based on those of spiders. They are completely colored in dark colors, such as dark browns, greys, and blacks. Some have markings on the backs of their bodies, but Grifix aren't exactly sure why they have those.
The webbing is completely white and the membrane between is usually also white or features very light and pastel colors.
Thick forests. They prefer thicker and darker areas within forests and are as such most frequently found around the Trifix settlement, but they are also sometimes spotted near the village. If the Tribe rests too close to a thicker forest, Spiderflies might fly into a tent and stay there, for it is pretty dark and neat to them, but Grifix throw them out regardless.
These critters are nocturnal and usually reside in holes in trees to sleep during the day. Those holes are usually abandoned nests by birds and Spiderflies only use those that are high up in the trees, for there are too many predators on ground level. Sometimes, you will also see a Spiderfly resting on a branch. They only do that if they feel really safe about their environment.
Spiderflies appear to consume the nectar from the few flowers in the thick areas. Their web wings are just as sticky as normal spider webs are and sometimes, tiny flies get stuck to their wings. They do not hesitate to eat those flies, but the problem is that the wing web is very hard to repair. They sometimes do snatch flies from the skies with their tongues though.
Trifix used to wonder how they could survive with just that few nectar, but they learned the answer soon enough: the main diet of Spiderflies is blood, due to all the nutrients within the blood. Trifix are their favorite source of blood, and they do not target Timberwolves at all.
Just like actual butterflies, they sit on a flower and drink the nectar if they are unable to get their hands on blood.
But usually, they are flying around, looking for a living being to drink their blood from. Sometimes, they hide close to a nest to attack the very next night.
Once they found an unassuming Trifix, they will land on them and first bite them, before they roll out their proboscis to feed on the blood. Since they have two fangs, their proboscis can also split into two, so that they can drink from two wounds at once.
Only female Spiderflies are able to create spider webs and are thus also the only ones able to at least somehow repair their wings. Sometimes, males beg the females to repair their wings, and they usually do that, but with that, the males are out of favor with the females and will not be able to reproduce with that female.
reproduction and aging:
Spiderflies reproduce sexually where the male first does a dance to impress the female and when the female is impressed, they rub their butts against each other. With that, the female Spiderfly can start fertilizing the eggs.
Spiderflies lay up to a thousand eggs into a web that the female produces shortly before that. Those eggs all hatch at the same time about three weeks later. They either crawl away or fly away, using the air currents and a string of their web.
They hatch as fully functional Spiderflies and can live up to 183 days.
Trifix have observed these pests ever since the Trifix came into existence. They have not really looked that deeply into Spiderflies because they are too annoying for the Trifix to deserve that much attention.
What Trifix Use Them For:
Honestly, Trifix don't exactly have a use for them. Instead, Spiderflies have a use for Trifix since they are their natural prey and predator. The Spiderfly bites only hurt for a few hours after the initial bite (since the Spiderfly does bite the Trifix in order to get to the blood), but after that they tend to itch because some of the Spiderfly's saliva usually happens to come in contact with the wound and if it's not cleaned right away, the saliva will linger which causes the itching.
Trifix are definitely not afraid of smashing Spiderflies if they see one. One less pesky insect to think about.
If there are no Trifix around, then Spiderflies are not afraid to search for Village Grifix.
Legends and Rumors:
None currently.
Submitted By MidnightStar
for The Loveliest Woods V
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago