Stories from the Past: Arc I, part 1
The little apprentice looked up to the Queen. She seemed tired. She didn’t seem to like being mad at other people, but nobody seemed to appreciate her. She always gave away a tired aura, but now she seemed exhausted.
The queen raised one eye to look at Selenara.
‘Selena, how about you go outside and see what the other fillies are doing? You’re just a child, you should play sometimes too.’
‘Uh…’ Selenara looked confused at the queen. She never made her such a proposal before. ‘Yes my queen, I’ll go.’
She turned around and walked out of the room. She heard the Queen sighing tired. She wished she knew what to do, but she was just a child. Maybe one day she would become the queen but now she barely knew anything about the village. She barely ever got outside the castle. The queen was very protective and dominant. What she asked her to do right now seemed like quite an odd request, but Selenara was bound to do everything her Queen asked her to.
She walked outside the door and looked above the village from the top of the hill the castle was on. The dark grey-ish houses laid in the valley surrounded by the tall trees of the forest like a fence. The magic field reflected the light in magical colors like the crystal lights, or like a soap bubble. Blue lights hang above the narrow streets which unknown grifix were walking. It wasn’t very beautiful, it looked rather dusty, sad and shabby, but she didn’t care. It was fascinating just how big that whole place was, how many grifix were there which she didn’t know but she was starving to meet them all.
‘The queen told me to go play with some fillies…’she mumbled to herself. ‘But there don’t seem to be any children around… Where should I start?’
B. The Healer’s Hut ✅
C. Walk the narrow streets of the village
Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago