[Lo-W6] Tree Stalkers

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Credit: Dawn-n-Night

Name: Tree Stalkers

Diet: Decaying/rotting organic matter

Appearance: Long/gangly appearance, as tall as the Everfree trees, horns are made out of wood, moss covering head/neck/shoulders/back, spores constantly surrounds it, no eyes

Mating behaviour:  Males will grow big beautiful blooms to impress females

Tree stalkers are solitary beings and are very rare to encounter. They move very slowly normally, but do not be mistaken, they can sprint. They blend in very well with their surroundings, the moss on their bodies providing good camoflauge. It does not seem to mind the animals that hang around it or even on it, it seems that whenever one is walking through the area..that all life becomes a little bit more peaceful. However, if a grifix were to encounter one they immediately become hostile, and their teeth and claws can leave fatal wounds. There is one other dangerous quality about them, the blooms that grow on their moss.. If a Tree Stalker is feeling threatened it will release a big cloud of spores into the air and if a grifix inhales these spores in will cause a dangerous disease.

Hani Disease: A disease caused by inhaling the spores from Hani Blooms, found on Tree Stalkers. 

Symptoms: Coughing up petals, itchy dry throat, trouble breathing

When a grifix inhales the spores, they will root inside the grifix's lungs and start growing. This can be fatal if left alone for too long, the only known solution is by pulling the blooms out from inside the throat. If they are left alone, the flowers will continue growing until the grifix dies from a lack of air, then bloom from out of the mouth.

Trifix are seemingly immune but when coming into contact with the blooms' spores a strange thing can occur. If a Trifix had no flora beforehand, the blooms will instead grow on their wood. If they have flora, the blooms will cohabit with it, or smother their previous flora if it is weak. This is rare though as Tree Stalkers do not often wander so deep into the woods and blooms cannot thrive very well on Trifix if they already have flora.

[Lo-W6] Tree Stalkers
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In 3. Backgrounds and resources
Credit: Dawn-n-Night
No description provided.

Submitted By Dawn-n-Night for The Loveliest Woods VILocation: The Everfree Forest
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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