Stories of the Stars: Starla II

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In her first years of existence, Starla traveled around the world with the two grifix she created. For three life forms that formed so unnaturally, none of them had a complete understanding of life and wished to find an explanation for all that was found around them. Starla was fascinated by the creature populations that lived, even though for short, but they never died for they could all create life and assure a future for their species. The two life forms that she created were imperfect, unbalanced, and had no way to do such a thing. She dreamed that for once she will be able to create a life form to never die, and raise a population. She also hoped that could be a home for her two offsprings, even if they’ll always be different - being the first ones. 

They often came around other life forms, but rarely around intelligent ones. Still, despite the excitement Starla felt when she found those, none ever seemed to notice them. No matter what the three of them did, they seemed to be nothing more than a breeze for those they tried to interact with. That always made them question if they were truly real… Why could nobody see them?

One day, they saw smoke rising at the horizon and rushed there as they always did at a sign of civilization. There were two mares sitting at a campfire. Just when they prepared for disappointment, one of the mares turned her head looking at them and waved her hoof as if inviting them to sit near her. Starla, surprised, approached and layed down near the mare, followed by Dragonclaw and Luminary.

‘Gah, what a pain, to share a campfire with you, Starla.’ Said out of nowhere the other mare looking at starla with bitter eyes and saying her name with hatred. Starla remained stunned looking at her. She couldn’t recall to see any of the two mares before. How did she know her name? And why did she say such a rude thing to her?

‘HOW DARE YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?’ Dragonclaw jumped to protect her.

‘Aaaah! Calm down! I hate everything you three are. You shouldn’t exist. You defy everything we’ve built in this world.’ The mare replied bitterly.

‘Ara… please forgive my sister. She has her reasons to say all that - even if you may not know it. But we’re not here to fight you three. The act of your creation has already been made, and your time has already been set. Not even we can step over that and destroy you, even if we may not approve with your existence. What we are here to do now… is help you understand this world so more mistakes like you won’t happen in the future.’ The other mare - the one who invited them to sit - said. Starla looked at her with her eyes wide.

‘Can you really… answer everything?’ She asked.

‘Of course. We made it all be, after all.’

Stories of the Stars: Starla II
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In Literature
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Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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