Stories of the Stars: Frozen Mountain I

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The little colt looked at the mare shouting in front of the Queen. She was hysterically screaming, while the rest of the room stayed quiet: Eclipsa was looking emotionless at her, though there might have been a drop of disgust in her look, but she rather looked bored and pissed. All the guards around stayed still, but there was a huge tension in the air, as if there would only take a sign from the queen or a wrong move from the mare for them to jump in. The Queen apprentice, Selenara, was looking confused at the scene from behind a guard’s legs. Overall… it was just obvious that nobody actually listened to what that mare kept on screaming there.

‘Why would anybody listen to them… We keep on seeking answers from the stars but have they ever done anything good for us? What makes us think they’re so competent when they’re the ones that put you in charge of this village AND LOOK AT WHERE THAT GOT US! WHAT MAKES US THINK THAT THEIR CHOICES ARE THE GOOD ONES AND WE ALWAYS HAVE TO LISTEN TO THEM?! I REFUSE TO LET MY DAUGHTER'S FATE BE DECIDED BY THOSE MORONS! Let her have no choice in her life… Forbid her to love… All for the sake of who? A BUNCH OF DEAD IDIOTS THAT PUT A TIRANT LIKE YOU IN CHARGE OF OUR LIVES SAYING THAT IT WAS FOR OUR OWN GOOD!!!’

The angry mare jumped towards the Queen, overtaken by her anger, with her claws out. In the same split second, a guard dashed towards her and slashed her with the sword. The mare fell on the ground, not moving anymore. The room was left in total silence. The Queen’s expression didn’t change a bit, it was like she knew all along what was going to happen. None of the other guards moved, they all stood there like nothing happened. The Queen Apprentice was the only one that moved. She made a few steps from behind the guard she was hiding after. She looked at the mare like she didn’t understand what happened.

‘... Mom?’ she asked. The Queen looked down at her, then lifted her gaze and looked at the guard Selenara was hiding after.

‘You! Take my apprentice to her room.’


The guard gently lifted the filly from the ground and left the room with her. Frozen Mountain looked after him. He didn’t understand much either. The mare spoke a lot of words that a colt his age couldn’t comprehend. But he understood one thing: the mare, who was Selenara’s mother, was dead. He didn’t interact much with the Queen Apprentice before, but he knew that he was supposed to become her most loyal servant, so he decided to follow the guard.

The guard took Selenara to her room, and put her in her bed. Nobody was allowed to speak to the Apprentice, expect the Queen and few of her most loyal servants. Frozen Mountain was also allowed to do it, but the guard wasn’t. So the Guard left without saying a word to the filly. 

Frozen Mountain approached the bed and waited near it till the head of the little filly raised above the railing and looked down at him.

‘What happened with mom?’ She asked. She didn’t seem much hurt. A kid her age wasn’t able to understand what death was, she was a little scared and confused, but she wasn’t in pain. ‘Is she not coming back?’ 

‘No… I don’t think so.’ Frozen Mountain replied.

‘That means… I won’t have any friends anymore.’ She said, looking a bit sad. She then kept a moment of silence, as if trying to understand all, then looked at Frozen Mountain and asked him: 

‘Will you be my friend then?’

‘Okay’ the colt said.


That moment was the most important moment so far in Frozen Mountain’s life. They were all very young, they couldn’t understand and feel hurt by the death of a grifix. But the loss of a friend… that could be understood by them. And the fact that Selenara asked him to be his new friend in such a desperate situation meant a lot to him. Everybody kept telling him that he was supposed to serve the future queen, but those words had no meaning for him. When she asked him that… He felt like he finally understood. He was meant to be a friend, cause that is what she needed right then. Whatever she might need him to be, he was going to be. In that moment, a strong feeling of loyalty took birth in his heart, one that he will never forget, even after he forgot those events. 

Stories of the Stars: Frozen Mountain I
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In Literature

Note: these events take place when Selenara and Frozen Mountain are very young. She is somewhere like 2 years old, and he is one year older. None of them can recall these events.

Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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