Stories of the Stars: Frozen Mountain IV

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One could tell when looking up at the tapestries on the walls, representing old kings and queens, heroes and legends, that they were taken care of very well. At the first glimpse they looked like they were crafted just a few days ago - yet the style pointed to something centuries old. And it was true, that most of them have been crafted during Eclipsa’s reign. Frozen Mountain took care to check them every morning, and if any had a hole or a loose string he would immediately call up one of the old mares in the village to patch it up. That’s why they were all in perfect shape, despite how old they were.

However he always regretted that he couldn’t find any from before Eclipsa’s reign. It sure was a thousand years since then, but he wished to get a glimpse of what things looked like back then. In the castle there was nothing older than Eclipsa. It was as if nothing existed back then. Was it because Eclipsa wished to destroy everything? He couldn’t remember her being hostile towards her predecessors and history however. So was there something else?

One day, as he was wandering through the castle, he accidentally fell down some stairs and ended up in the old library, just like Dusk Lillies did. When he got there, he could feel ancient magic going up to before even the castle existed. That place stood there before even Eclipsa, before even the walls of the castle. Looking at the ancient books and scrolls, he wished he could read them, and find what happened to everything that was there before Eclipsa. But he couldn’t understand a thing. Probably he was capable of deciphering those books, but that required a lot of time, which he hadn’t. He already dedicated his life to something else. So he left, only to come back now and then to dust the books. He never lost the hope that someone would one day find all the mysteries however, and perhaps answer his question.


As he was walking through the corridors, looking at the tapestries, he arrived in the throne room. There sat Selenara, with a bright expression on her face, talking to some grifix. Above her, the raises of the morning sun shone through the gigantic stained glass windows, depicting the 6 rulers of the Village. Each of their colors fell upon the living Queen, coloring her waving mane in all the colors of the world. A godly image - he thought. But what would have been of those windows without him taking care of them to be cleaned every day? He was glad that he could serve the Queen. He was proud of the job he was doing. He didn’t wish for anything to change. He was happy.

But how long could that go on? The change has been in the air for a while. And it felt like it was threatening the order that he always kept there. Giggles recently echoed across the corridors, and the trotting of hooves was to be heard more and more often. He couldn’t understand the decision of the Queen. Those kids were a mess. They destroyed everything in their path. But he always devoted himself to the Queen, and her decisions never proved to be wrong. So if that’s what she wanted - maybe there was a good side to it after all, even if he may not see it now. He could work with it - just a bit more work for him, why not? He smiled and turned around. It was futile for him to try and understand the Queen. A being chosen by the stars - her ideals were above mortal understanding. But he decided to accept everything she said - even if it meant having a pack of crazy mares running aimlessly around the clean corridors, leaving them dirty.

Stories of the Stars: Frozen Mountain IV
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Submitted By MysteriousShine
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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