Oop it has been a while since the first update blog... well there are definitely more to come and some pretty big stuff I’m working on but for now I have an urgent update to make and also another minor one so I thought I’d dump em here together.




Sphirix Trauma


As you all may know, the sphirix is actually the soul of the grifix, which takes shape using their magic. So when the soul is wounded (aka you gets a trauma), what happens to the sphrix? Well it gets wounded too! The wounds can be minor and heal as the trauma heals, or be permanent and then the sphirix ends up scared for life. This mostly happens in the case of childhood trauma, since those traumas are the most likely to stick and affect someone during their whole life.


And now the most important update,


The Tribe’s Scouts


The Grifix tribe is constantly traveling. They sometimes stick in one place for a few weeks, months or just a day. But mostly, they’re constantly traveling.


But where do they go? How do they know the road they will take is good?


Here is where the scouts come in!

Those are a few selected warriors that are the fastest and have the most stamina, being able to travel long distances fast and investigate the ground around the path they take. For those there’s almost no rest. When the tribe stops to rest, they have to go exploring to find the next route they will take, and they have to go until they find a good place for the tribe to camp the next night. Sometimes they go even further, planning the tribe’s route for the next weeks or even longer.

They’re used to not getting very much rest, and even in the case the tribe sticks in one place for longer they keep exploring. It’s quite hard for them to stick in one place.


Their armors are also much better for exploring than the other warriors’. This is how they look:


I’m sorry but I won’t make other bases for this outfit. If I’ll have to use it on another base in the future, I promise I’ll make the base first so it can be used by others too but I’m too tired to do this on more than one base.


Well this is pretty much all! Have a great day everyone ^^

This has been first posted on Amino. All the information here will be uploaded on the site eventually, this is just for archive purposes.
Date: 12/14/20

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