Grifixverse Canon #2 - Season I episodes 12-26

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by MysteriousShine

I am back with the second part of the 1st season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! I shall go through everything that might be relevant for grifix, mostly fauna but we also got some interesting lore on buffalos and Appleloosa! So here we go!!


S01 E13 · Fall Weather Friends
Trees require ponies running for leaves to fall. This is somewhat of a confusing topic to me. Like I mentioned in the previous post, I'll have to think of season changing once I'm done with rewatching the series, so I won't be commenting on it.
S01 E14 · Suited for success

Nothing to note


S01 E15 · Feeling Pinkie Keen


Froggy Bottom Bogg

A large swamp at the south of the Everfree Forest. One must pass through it to get to the Ghastly Gorge, which is partly the reason why the Everfree Grifix and the Divided grifix haven't met in over 1000 years.
It is a dangerous place, because of the Hydra that resides there. It's also populated by cragadiles and many other dangerous creatures.
Grifix usually avoid it, unless they have to go there to pick up medcinal plants and stuff.


The Hydra


The hydra is a big dragon-like creature. It has four heads on long snake-like necks and a large, orange, dragon-like body, with only two legs and no wings or arms. They are extremely dangerous to grifix, but forunately they are rare. One resides in the Everfree Forest, in the Froggy Bottom Bogg, so grifix know to avoid it. However it is not the only one in Equestria. They are known to prey on dragons if they are weakened and can't fight back, because they love warm food.

S01 E16 · Sonic Rainboom

Nothing to note. Although it would be interesting to think if a grifix can do one...

Also, the spell Twilight made to allow the rest of the main six to walk on clouds can work on grifix as well.


S01 E17 · The Stare Master




Dangerous creature living in the Everfree Forest, being half chicken, half snake. It's stare can petrify upon eye contact. It does possess magic. It can reverse the petrification on will, but it rarely does so. The petrification is permanent unless reversed by the cockatrice or magic potions.
Everfree Village rifix often get petrified by them, it's a rather common encounter. Usually they are found by other grifix and brought back to the village, where the healer takes care of them.
Grifix from the Lost Tribe encounter them sometimes as well. But for them it's a rather rare occurence. They do have a cure for it.
Best prevention against cockatrices are mirrors. Some warriors wear reflective metal armor when fighting them.
On trifix, the petrification is only temporary, lasting usually for a few hours. If a trifix has timbermist on, they can not be petrified. If a cockatrice tries to petrify a trifix with the evermist trait while they have their timbermist on, the spell can be reversed and the cockatrice will get petrified. 


S01 E18 · The Show Stoppers

 Nothing to note


S01 E19 · A Dog and Pony Show


Diamond dogs
I will certainly add lore on them at some point, but I'll leave it for when I start reviewing the comics cause there is a big chunk of lore on them in a comic.
S01 E20 · Green Isn't Your Color

 Nothing to note


S01 E21 · Over a Barrel



The land around the core of the great cataclysm has become nothing but deserted plains for miles and miles, with no end. The earth is full of radiation, so anything around the Everfree Forest till the edges of Equestria is gone, save for some mutated plants that are poisonous to any living being. 

But that is not something that can stop the surviving ponies, especially those who have lived in the desert for hundreds of years prior to the Great Cataclysm. Infertile land won't stop them from trying to grow plants and survive. And a small village, with the help of the buffalos, really managed to live through it. 

The Appleloosans and the buffalos signed an agreement to help eachother survive after the great cataclysm. The bufflo migrations allowed them to find things such as soil that might be fertile, unmutated plant seeds and such. And they always took those things back to Appleloosa. But their journeys are not easy, for they must travel for days through deserted land, with no grass or plants to feed on, so the Appleloosans must assure that they provide canned apples and other food that can be kept for long periods of time without going bad.

Few buffalos still remain in Appleloosa throughout the year, being settled there. Some made families with the ponies, even without being able to have children.

Other species in Appleloosa are cows and mules, probably the last surviving of their kind. 

Other creatures sometimes come and pass, but usually just one or few of them. Some settle there, but there isn't a consistent population of them, just one or a few individuals.


It's still a small village, and the only one for miles around. They haven't seen an outside pony in hundreds of years, but the blurred out noise coming through the radio signals tells them that there must be someone else out there.



Big, strong creatures that take great pride in their culture and traditions. They follow the same migration route for thousands of years, traveling through Equestria.

They have a treaty with Applelosa that allows them to pass through the apple orchird in exchange for apple pies. After the Great Cataclysm, they started to provide the village with fertile soil and clean seeds in exchange for canned food that allows them to continue their migration through deserted areas of Equestria, without starving.


S01 E22 · A Bird in the Hoof

Will add more lore on phoenix birds as the show progresses, cause this episode mostly covered just Philomena and there's not that much lore on the actual species.

Phoenix Birds


Phoenixes are magical birds that regenerate by bursting into flames and being born anew.
The females and males are differentiated by the feathers on their head: the males have pointy feathers, while the females have thin feathers that are round on the top.
For grifix, phenix birds are highly respected and protected. Their feathers have strong medicinal power and are a required ingredient in many magic potions. They can also offer warmth in time of freezing.


S01 E23 · The Cutie Mark Chronicles

Nothing to note, although it would be interesting if someone made a grifix that had the sonic rainboom Rainbow made in their backstry somehow


S01 E24 · Owl's Well That Ends Wel

There's a big ass dragon in a cave in the Everfree??

I feel like that would cause a lot of issues later in the show, so the fact it wasn't at all mentioned later indicates that it maybe moved. But it is certain that it lived there for probably a long time during Eclipsa's reign.


S01 E25 · Party of One

 Nothing to note


S01 E26 · The best night ever

There’s some horsified mice running around somewhere Is that the equivalent of furries for ponies? horsified animals??

Excluding that, there's nothing to note in this episode.


And with that, the 1st season is done!! See you again for season 2 or some comics next time, not really sure what I'll do next. Would like to take it in chronological order, so maybe comics.


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