This post contains info on:

• The Return to the Shore of Origin (Lost Tribe Holiday)

• The 7 year cycle calendar (Lost Tribe lore)

• The Light Beans for every grifix !IMPORTANT!

• Updates on the Heartfire Holiday (previously Friends' and Lovers' Day)

• The Great Green Orb (Divided Grifix Camp lore)

• The Great Green Orb Magic Celebration (Divided Grifix Camp holiday)

• New Traits
Hello! It's been a long time since the last lore update, so now I am back with quite a lot of new lore! This is also the first lore update on the site! Yay! Enjoy! :D


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It was a few years since the death of the First King, Pine. Most of the first warriors were dead as well, and their children forgot of the vow to seek revenge on Starla and the First Village. In a beautiful place besides the sea they settled. The ocean breeze was blowing over the camp, and they could easily catch fish in order to sustain themselves. Nearby on the cliffed shore there were a bunch of caves that were easily accessible most of the time and they could use for cover, but not permanently because the entrance was underwater for eight days every month due to high tides. It was a great place to settle in. They spent a few years there, almost half a lifetime for a grifix, time in which they got used to the nature cycles and built customs upon them. All was great until Yantarka lost herself and her father made them leave to seek for the First Village. But those customs they built back then had not been thrown away. The cycles of the ocean shore will forever guide their journey.


There is a turtle species that visits that shore once every seven years in order to lay eggs. That marks the beginning of the seven-year-calendar for the Lost Tribe. This is a calendar they use to organize their travels, having a couple key-points which mark when and where they should be. Despite the Tribe trying to find something, and therefore trying to cover new places, they still have a couple places they always return to. One of them is the shore they set off from.
The calendar has a year for each of the seven warriors - or so the legend used to say, but every grifix nowadays knows that there are only six First Warriors, so there is one more year in the cycle. That’s why the years are labeled like this, in this order: The Bear Year, The Lizard Year, The Scorpion Year, The Salmon Year, The Owl Year, The Butterfly Year and The Warrior Year.

At the end of the cycle they head back to the Origin Shores, in order to begin the next cycle in the place they started from. Yantarka enters the caves in the cliff right before they are sealed by the tide, and spends eight days there without food or water in order to reconnect with the First Warriors. Most of the times she’s too weakened to get out at the end, so she must be helped by her personal maids from the Starfell Clan, those being the only other grifix allowed to enter the caves, due to their pure blood.

During those eight days, the beach is covered in turtles that come to lay their eggs. The grifix catch each one and engrave tattoos on their shells and paint them with their personal patterns, mostly the same pattern as on their sphirix or their mask. Then they set the turtles free into the ocean. Each grifix hope that they will find their turtle when they return next cycle and that the patterns haven’t faded away. The young grifix often fight over who’s turtle will definitely come back next cycle.
Once the eight days are over and Yantarka returns with a prophecy, the grifix set off once again.

The prophecy Yantarka receives in the cave is gonna determine which way they must travel this time.


Now this is a pretty important update about the species. Remember the light beans trait? Well guess what, in fact all grifix have those for a short period of the year, just some have them permanently!


For a short period in spring, the magic of the grifix increases so much as it condenses around their fluffs and forms solid shapes, which is what the light beans are. It takes around two weeks for them to grow, condense, and fall off. They all fall off during the same day, which is known as the Heartfire Holiday (previously Firends’ and Lovers’ Day, I just renamed it).
In the case of grifix that have those permanently, which are those with the “light beans” trait, they still fall off that day, but pretty quickly grow back and stay on during the whole year, and two weeks before the Heartfire Day they may grow bigger.

Now, how do the light beans work? Why do they glow?
They glow because they absorb magic from the air and turn it into light.

What happens with them after they fall off?
Well pretty much nothing. They work exactly like before, still glowing. After a year the glow kind of fades away, but for that year they can be, in fact, used as lights by the grifix.

Wait, the lights hanged around the village… is THAT what they are???
Yes! They are light beans that fell off!

What about the blue ones?
Strangely, the blue light beans seem to change their color to yellow shortly after they fall off, so all the lights in the village are yellow.

So what happens during the Heartfire Holiday with the light beans?
As previously mentioned, the Heartfire Holiday is somehow the equivalent of Valentine’s Day, so it is a day about lovers. The tradition says that the grifix must gift a light bean to the grifix they’re in love with.

The Great Green Orb Magic Celebration


image credit to @/greenskulltok on tiktok


There is a place in the Gorge where the strangest thing can be found. Deep under the Earth, bright lights and luxurious vegetation seems to thrive, in a cave where sunlight can never get. How can such vegetation grow in a place with no sunlight? And what is with the strange green light shining through the whole place? Yet that is not the strangest thing there is. A bright orb of green light is sitting in the middle of the cave, and seems to be the origin of all those strange phenomena. But still, that orb is stranger the more you look at it.
It resembles the most something that defies all explanation: a light bean. The texture and everything when one touches it, is the same as that of a light bean. But how could there be one this big? Not to mention that it’s light never fades, regardless of how many years pass.
But the strangest thing is, it absorbs anything that touches it, anything can be pushed through and enter the orb, for never to come out again. Everything but a grifix. To the grifix touch it is solid and impossible to pass through.
Even stranger is the fact that since it was discovered, a whole new trait started to spread among the Divided Grifix Camp: green light beans.

There are many legends surrounding this object. One, popular among the youngsters, says that it fell off a giant, green grifix eons ago. But the most accepted legend is that it is a portal to the realm of the stars, where the Gods reside.
This led to the Great Green Orb Magic Celebration, a holiday in which all divided grifix travel down to the orb, including the sicker ones, and insert stuff into the orb, mostly food and beautiful rocks,nor even gems if they find any. These are offers to the gods. The sick grifix hope that the gods will acknowledge them and ease their suffering this way.
This holiday is held during the Spring Solstice. The Orb seems to be at its brightest that day.
Some divided grifix also offer their fallen light beans, but for the divided grifix those don’t always grow or fall off normally, so most divided grifix don’t even have light beans to offer, so they compensate with other stuff.

As for what actually lies inside the orb… it is a mystery, but I must say, it must be strongly linked to the history of the grifix.


New Traits: green light beans

Along with the story of the Great Green Orb and new light beans lore, I believe it is the perfect time to introduce green light beans! Here they are:








It'll still take a while for all this info to be uploaded on the site, so if this sin't an old post don't bother looking for it ^^"
Until next time, hope you enjoyed!

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