The Forsaken (Divided Camp Faction)

Divided Camp Faction

Can be joined by characters.

Grifix that are too sick to work

the divided grifix camp




Name of the grifix must be made of one word.

Sphirix name must be made of one word per sphirix entity, words which must tie together in case there are more entities forming the sphirix.

✦ OPEN ✦

You can create characters part of this faction freely

 the forsaken

They are grifix that are too sick to move around much and do work. Most of them lie around in the cave all of the time. They are always taken care of. Most of them die soon, but they are never abandoned for being “useless”. Any grifix from the camp can one day have a bad crisis and end up like them.

Most of them aren't born like this, they just end up in that condition after a bad crisis. Some, however, have been like this all of their life.

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