
This page contains quick definitions of commonly used terms. If a term has a longer lore page, it will be linked via the name of the term


Magic illusions that appear due to the common belief of grifix in the existence of a certain thing


"MYO" normally refers to "MYO Ticket" ir "MYO Slot". It stands for "Make Your Own". It is a terms often used by original species. 

In the grifixverse case, you need a MYO to be able to create a character part of the grifixverse. MYOs can be purchased or obtained by other means, such as MYO events.

MYO event

A certain period of time in which, under certain regulations, people are allowed to create grifixverse characters without acquiring a MYO ticket.

The 1st Great Migration

Refers to the migration of the grifix during Starla's reign, when they were forced by changelings to leave the Forest of Leota and find a new place to live. After some years of traveling, they eventually arrived in the Everfree Forest and settled there, founding the Everfree Village.

The 2nd Great Migration

Refers to the migration at the end of Selenara's reign, caused by the Great Cataclysm. It ended the reign of Selenara and caused the grifix to leave their usual settlements and travel together to the Frozen North, founding the Frozen Empire.

The Great Cataclysm

Refers to the breakout of the greatest villains of Equestria from their stone prison: Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. It ended the reign of Twilight Sparkle over the Equestrian Empire and it also ended the reign of Selenara and caused the grifix to leave their usual settlements and travel together to the Frozen North, founding the Frozen Empire.

The Knowledge Treaty

Refers to the treaty signed by Queen Selenara of the Grifix, King Wolfwood of the Hippogriff, Queen Amethyst Flare of the Kirin and Changelings united, the Leader of Farasi and the Silent One. 

The treaty was signed right after the Great Cataclysm, and it implies the gathering of all the world's knowledge in 4 great libraries across Equestria in the hope of preventing another Cataclysm.


Apparitions manifested by the grifix magic due to the common belief in their existence, believed to be alive

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