DIV-175: Wolf

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Founder of the Divided Grifix Camp, outcast for the Everfree Village
  • Location
    The Divided Grifix Camp
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality

He was born from a magic experiment between his mother and a unicorn, experiment which failed leading to the birth of a defective being. His mother truly believed she was loved by the unicorn, but with his birth she found that she was just an experiment. Broken, she ran back to the Everfree Village where she lived the rest of her life, raising him, but she could never love again, after the way she’d been crushed. Wolf grew up pretty stable, his life was not threatened by his condition. But his sphirix was divided, and his soul was unstable. All grifix feared him, and the parents didn’t let their children play with him. He was always bullied. His mother didn’t offer him any support, for she was too broken for that. She was clingy and obsessed with him. She only did him more bad with her sickening obsessions. 

When he grew up, a sweet grifix female fell in love with him. And the two had a baby, but the baby was the same as his father. Their family was always outcast and rejected by the other grifix, and he felt sorry for his wife, for she was perfect and had nothing to do with them. She didn’t want her to be bullied because of him and his broken child. But she loved him and their child regardless of everything. Hoping it would work out, she asked for another child, and this time it was a girl. At the beginning the baby seemed fine, but she soon turned out to be in a worse condition than her father and brother. She had branches growing out of her eyes and was completely blind. She was in endless pain all of the time. When she reached the age of twelve, she killed herself. Her father soon couldn’t take it anymore - having the Grifix he cared for suffered so much because of him, giving birth to broken children that would suffer all of their lives, it was all his fault. One night, he took his son and left. He hoped that his wife could live a normal life without them. He and his son headed south west, trying to leave the forest.

But when his wife woke up without him, and she realized what had happened, she ran after them. She caught up to them in Ghastly Gorge, and when she saw them she started running. But the cliff she stood on broke, and she fell. In the fall she hit her wing, and couldn’t stop the fall. She crashed to the bottom of the gorge and died.  Desperate, the father and son jumped after her, but they couldn’t do anything. The two of them settled their camp there, mourning the death of their beloved one. He planned to leave at some point, but his heart couldn’t take it so they remained there by the grave of his wife. 

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