DIV-177: Bear

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
    Star Dust
  • Shape
    Two snow leopard cubs
  • Rank
    The Everfree Village outcast
  • Location
    Divided Grifix Camp
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Deceased at the age of
  • Sexuality
  • Bungou Stray Dogs
    Ryunosuke Akutagawa

He was the first child of Wolf and Nebula. Compared to his sister and his father, he was quite stable. Physically he was relatively stable, and also mentally he was quite stable, but his magic was a bit crazy so he didn’t use it often, because it was uncontrollable and often caused him crises. He wasn’t very much older than his sister when she died, but it had a big impact on him at that time. It wasn’t helpful that soon after that his dad made him run away and then he saw his mother getting crushed at the bottom of the gorge. However, seeing his dad emotionally crushed, traumatized and with no power to move on made him sad, and also disgusted him a bit. He loved his father, but he didn’t want to get like him. So in the end he pretty much moved on. His father was obsessed with the idea of not having children and not interacting with other grifix, but after his death, Bear returned to the Village. He wasn’t going to live alone and depressed the rest of his life because of the obsessions of his old man. It’s not like healthy grifix don’t suffer. Every grifix will find a reason to suffer and dislike their life. Having actual pain in your life makes you look at the brighter side when you can see it. Having only a bright side will make you seek bad things. So why should he suffer for the sake of the unborn ones? They were gonna suffer regardless of what body they would be born in.

This way, he found a lover in the village, but the grifix there still bullied and avoided him. Eventually he and his lover moved back to the Gorge, where they were left alone and happy. 

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