DIV-226: Spirits

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
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  • Rank
  • Location
    The Divided Grifix Camp
  • Dead/Alive

Her gems are completely useless and they don't produce any agic despite looking completely normal. because of that, her sphirix is completely invisible, as if she wouldn't have it. That makes her incredibly lonely unconsciously, which cause her to sick the affection of animals, as if she would be looking for her sphirix amongst them. As a result, she gathered an impressive amont of dogs from hell knows where that always follow her around. The grifix were against it at first cause the camp got filled with dogs but they got used to it - they're not bad and seem to also help grifix get out of crises by calming them down.

Spirits seems to share the same level of intellect with a dog, plus the ability to articulate some words. But at least she's happy and physically stable. Still, she can't go on hunts cause she's too dumb so she just sits around the camp helping others when the task is easy enough for her to comprehend.

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