DIV-305: Willow

Owned by CrystalIzzy77
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Stable Grifix
  • Location
    The Divided Grifix Camp
  • Dead/Alive
  • Birthday
    December 21

During early snowfall in the mountains, which still covers green plants around frozen ponds, a nest was made on a hill in a special location that the two grifix from the village didn’t know about, the egg being abandoned in the nest. But they didn't see what was on that hill, for it was a sight hidden to most. Branches were reaching to the skies, flowers blooming and fruits growing. Deep in the ground, long forgotten, bones were resting. Above the earth, abandoned, an egg was going to die, if not for the magic of the tree, if not for the warmth of the sun passing right through the invisible leaves. One day, the egg hatched, and the sphirix took it's first steps in the world. Excited by the sights around, the little animal ran up the tree only he could see, and shook the branch that was right above the baby. A seed fell down from the branch, and landed in the ear of the grifix. A few divided grifix found Willow on the hill and decided to take her to the divided grifix camp and care for her and raise her in the grifix she is today, now part of the divided grifixes camp. Amongst them, she is no different from the rest, the branches growing out of her head making her blend right in. They all almost forgot she wasn't a divided grifix to begin with. She likes to take care of the elderly and make healing herbs to tend to the wounded. She also likes to take her Timberwolf sphirix to watch the real ones roam the Everfree forest. In her free time she likes to go up to the tree spot she was born at and sit in silence or even read a good book.