DIV-406: Deuce

Owned by Dawn-n-Night
  • Name
    Cold Grey Rocks I Spy with my Little Eyes
  • Shape
    Boomslang cluster
  • Rank
    Outcast (Divided Grifix Camp)
  • Location
    Ghastly Gorge
  • Dead/Alive

A few months after Shadow had killed the camp leader and their death still fresh in their minds, a new grifix had hatched. Her parents were elated to finally have a cub and adored her, however there was something different about her.

When her sphirix corruption set in, her hair fell out and snakes grew in its place. Not soo after an awful headache behind her eyes began plaguing her which she complained about a lot, her parents tried everything to help her but soon realized they weren't equipped to deal with her condition and couldn't make the pain go away, so begrudgingly they had her live with the Forsaken. The headache only grew worse as she got older, until one day an awful accident occured.

Deuce was struck by a violent seizure and as a helper tried to help her, they met eyes. Her eyes glowed a brilliant yellow and the helper was turned to stone in the matter of seconds. The seizure subsided, but the damage was already done. Panic spread in the area and as Deuce tried to figure out what had happened she met eyes with a few more helpers who tried to calm down the situation, turning them to stone as well. She was horrified at what she had done, and to stop her from petrifying anyone else they wrapped bandages around her eyes.

The news soon reached the new chief, Cloud, and the residents pressured her to make a difficult decision. She didn't want to cast her out and repeat the sins of the past... but she had no choice, she was a danger to them. And so, Deuce was cast out from the camp when she was only a teen. She was heartbroken and terrified and confused. She didn't mean to hurt anyone!

She took residence in a nearby cave, so she could watch the camp from a distance. Occasionally a grifix was sent out to provide her some food, enough for a week, though they never stayed long.

(Tw: mentioned suicide)

She spent most of her time alone. On one day, when the camp sent out a grifix again, desperate for interaction she went out to talk to them... only for them to get petrified by her stare. The camp stopped sending grifix after that. Now she was truly alone..

Years passed and she got lonelier and lonelier, she went deeper into the cave to close herself off. She never felt resentment towards what the camp had done, just sadness and despair.

She spent most of her time then curled up in a ball, refusing to eat or do anything really. Though one day, she was just tired and uncurled from her position, exploring the cave numbly when she came upon a small cave river. She stared at it and began to wonder. Why did they despise her? Why did they cast her out? She never meant to hurt anyone... she couldn't control herself... She sighed and went up to the water, then stared at her own reflection. As her skin turned to stone, tears rolled down her cheeks and she apologized to all those she had hurt.

In the camp, her fate is still unknown and a legend about her had spread. That she is still alive and petrifying anyone that dares set foot in her cave.