EMP-198: Velvet Sky

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
    Headmaster of the Tailors' Guild
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

She is the daughter of the Royal Guard Headmaster. She didn’t want to stay in her father's guild so she decided to join the Tailors Guild, which was a minor underguild of the Craftsman Guild at that time. Her father respected her decision but told her he wouldn’t help with anything, so she’ll be on her own. She quickly climbed through the guild's hierarchy with her own abilities, and soon after she got close to the top, the previous leader died and she was chosen as the next leader. Under her leadership, the guild rose in popularity and influence and eventually became one of the 12 Council Guilds.

She takes her job very seriously and puts a lot off effort into everything she does. However, she is also kind and has a good sense of humor, but will punish those who procrastinate with a deadly stare and drag them back to work.

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