EMP-212: Akuma

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
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  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
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  • Sexuality

She has two sisters, one of them from another father, Akuma and Swamp Storm. Their mother was part of the Starfell Clan but was found to have cheated on her husband and made another egg while Angelfox was still in the egg, and she got banned from the Clan. She then joined the Starfell Clan, in the Red Moon house, which is a house that has a lot of connections with the Starfell Clan, and is believed to be ran behind the scenes by the Starfell Clan leader. Because of that, Akuma was allowed to see her sister, Angelfox. Angelfox grew to love her sister and begged the Starfell Clan's elders to allow her to return to the Clan, even if she had impure blood. They eventually approved under the condition that Angelfox would marry Akuma (I remind you that the Starfell Clan practices incest, but most yougsters from the clan hate being forced into such arranged marriages against their will). Angelfox did not like the idea, but approved in order to get her sister out of the Entertainers Guild. However, that did not last long, for neither Akuma or Angelfox were happy. The clan treated them horribly because Akuma was not a pure blood. One day they decided to leave the Clan, but there was no other choice for them than to join the Entertainers' Guild, for every other guild didn' accept Starfell Grifix. That's how they ended up back in the Entertainers' Guild. They joined a different guild than their mother, because they did not want to have anything to do with the Clan anymore. They broke off their engagement, but still act like lovers sometimes.

Her other sister, Swamp Storm, was born a few years later from the same father as Akuma. Angelfox isn't too close to her, but Akuma has a pretty good sister relationship with her.

Akuma can be pretty independent but Angelfox seems to rely a lot on her emotionally. Even if it may look like Angelfox is the one protecting Akuma, thruth is Angelfox needs to feel like she has a purpose and that's why she is acting very protective around Akuma. Akuma understands that and lets her sister act like that, but at the end of the day she is the strong one.

In the past she has been part of the Red Moon house (right after she left the Starfell Clan and when she was a kid), later she moved to the Moonshadow Crane house, before Nightwater Bay was the headmaster. She did not enjoy it there so she searched through the smaller houses and joined the House of the Yokai. Later she brought Angelfox in that house as well. 

Swamp Storm wanted to join Yokai no Ie as well but Akuma didn't find it to be a good enviroment for a growing child so she took her to the Moonshadow Crane which was now managed by Nightwater Bay, an old entertainer who was like her older sister back when Akuma was part of the Moonshadow Crane.

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