EMP-227: Bloodstained Hoar-Frost

Owned by MysteriousShine
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive
  • Age
  • Sexuality

He is married to a female named Purple Haze and has a daughter named Springtime Waterfall. They used to be a pretty happy family until Haze began to grow distant and eventually became unreasonable. She was obsessive and scary. One day she didn't come home anymore and the two found out that she was found to have killed a grifix that was part of the Herbalists Guild. Apparently the two kept interacting the past few years, and he was always bringing her something. This time he seemed to be empty handed. Purple Haze was imprisoned for life for her crime.

The deceased's family was extremely angry and wanted to get revenge on Purple's family as well. They wanted all of them imprisoned, and Purple Haze sentenced to death. But the Empire's law didn't allow imprisoning the families of criminals if there wasn't proof they were involved as well, and as there was no proof for Frost and Spring, they were left alone. But the family of the deceased didn't give up from trying to ruin their life. They used all of their influence to mess up their life. The two ended up being transferred to the most infamous guild amongst the merchants, the Hunters Guild. They are now outcast to the edge of the Empire, cause there is where thee Hunter's neighborhood is located, but they don't mind living there. Regardless what life throws at him, Frost wants to remain a good grifix, that does his job honestly and earns a living. As long as he is not bothered by the mess the hunters do when they get drunk it's all good.

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