EMP-241: Hunter

Owned by Herobrine1087
  • Name
  • Shape
  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

Born and raised in the frozen empire, which he has known all his life. His father a proud hunter and his mother a kind a helpful medic/nurse. His father teaching him the basics and what he needs to know about being a hunter and his mother teaching him first aid and how to take care of yourself and others. Hunter decided he would want to join the hunters guild with his father, not just because of that but because of adventure, the thrill and the fun of it. Although the first aid has come in handy from time to time when hunting for the empire, he cannot fail them. Hunter is a kind hearted soul but he does tend to act coldly sometimes to other grifix, especially the ones that want the hunters to disband. He is also quite protective and either stubborn or determined to get the things he wants for the empire.