EMP-261: Hushen

Owned by Dawn-n-Night
  • Name
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  • Rank
  • Location
    The Frozen Empire
  • Dead/Alive

She grew up in a pretty extravagant lifestyle, she had all the toys she could ask for, was given the food she desired but the one thing she couldn't have was good parents. They spoiled her sure, but were neglectful in "loving" her, they just wanted to keep her occupied so she wouldn't bother them. She tried to get them to notice her but it never worked, so when she was old enough she took what she could and left, she had heard that most of the entertainer's guild often acted as a family and wanted to work there. So she offered to work at Fafnir's Treasure. Despite her upbringing she is pretty nice and innocent, but since working at the gambling house she has gotten a little mischievous.

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